Monday, December 08, 2008

Not Me! Monday

I hope y'all had a great weekend. Ours was fine...busy but fine. So today I am doing my first installation of Not Me! Monday. This is basically where I tell you about things that I would never, ever consider doing. Ever.

I did not let Jackson eat a bowl of shredded cheese for supper Friday night when he wouldn't eat the soup I fixed. Nope. Not me! In no way did I tell Jackson all day on Saturday that Santa was his friend so that he wouldn't be freaked out by Santa later. I have no idea where Jackson picked it up that Santa was his buddy. I wasn't silently thrilled that although we didn't get a smile when we were with Santa, we also didn't get any tears, and I certainly wasn't gloating to myself that not only did my little man walk up to Santa all by himself, he also gave him a high five when he was leaving. That most certainly didn't make me so happy I could have cried!
I absolutely NEVER use reverse psychology on Jackson to get him to do what I want him to do. I never, ever tell him that he better not pick up his toys, and then silently laugh to myself as he cleans up his own mess. He thinks he is such a little rebel! And I wouldn't dare trick Jackson into smiling for the camera or doing something so silly as showing me his adorable Buddha belly. I am so above that!And last but not least, I would never dream of taking Jackson's left over spaghetti from Olive Garden as part of my lunch today. What kind of mother would do that?

For more Not Me! Monday's, visit MckMama and leave your own Not Me! stories.

3 random thoughts:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Great list! Cute little boy, my boy has the same one!

Anna said...

what a cutie! great not mes! love the bowl of cheese for dinner :)

Anonymous said...

you are the best mom ever!

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