Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our New Nephew, Cameron Charles Knight!!!

Jeremy's sister Amy gave birth early this morning to her sweet baby boy, Cameron Charles Knight. He is a tiny little man, measuring 18 1/2 inches long and weighing 5 pounds, and he was born around 3:30 this morning. We were so excited to meet the little fellow, and we headed out to Starkville first thing this morning. We fell in love! He may be tiny, but he is so stinking adorable! We are so happy for Amy and Adam, and we know that Cameron is so lucky to have such wonderful parents! Enjoy the pictures!100_2721

Just a few hours old and already so loved!!


Check out that hair!


He may be tiny, but he’s got long legs!


So stinking sweet!!!


Uncle Jeremy, Mimi and Cameron


Jackson meets his new cousin!

Congrats Amy and Adam!!! We are so happy for you!!

2 random thoughts:

Pam said...

Awww, so sweet and so tiny! Congratulations to everyone. :)

Rachel said...

SO tiny!! It makes me sad to think how huge mine has already gotten!! They grow out of the teensy stage WAY TOO FAST!!!

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