Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Las Vegas Day 3 Morning: Hoover Dam Day!

Saturday morning was our last full day in Las Vegas and we made the most of it. We woke up bright and early and went to pick up our rental car. We had rented a bright blue Mustang Convertible and it was so much fun. We put the roof down and started the 45 minute drive to the Hoover Dam.

When we got to the dam we drove into Arizona (and found the free parking lot) and walked back over the dam into Nevada. I had been most excited about taking the 2 hour Hoover dam tour and was not a happy camper when we went to purchase our tickets and found out that the dam elevators were broken and that they weren’t doing any tours. I was so bummed! The guy that broke the news to me said, “We think the elevators will be working again tomorrow” at which point I shared with him that I would be back in Alabama by then. We made the most of our time there and got lots of pictures anyway. The Hoover dam is majorly impressive, and its so hard to believe that it was built in the 30’s without the help of modern technology. It was awe inspiring!

One of the coolest things about the bridge is that right in the middle of the bridge is the state line between Nevada and Arizona! They have a plaque  showing you the state lines which is cool because you can be in 2 different states and 2 different time zones at the same time!

After walking around the dam for awhile we drove up to the Pat Tillman bridge and walked across it for better views. It was so cool, with the best view of the Hoover dam and it has lots of tourist info on the bridge.

After our morning out we headed back into Las Vegas and saw so much more. More day 3 pics tomorrow!!!


Getting ready for the day!


View of the Bellagio from our room

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The Paris hotel was painted beautifully with the sky on the ceiling, and the entire hotel and casino looked like being in a French neighborhood. It was beautiful!


Eiffel tower shots


Isn’t he a cutie!


Leave it to the funeral director to spot a cemetery sign!


Hard Rock guitar


All cars crossing the Hoover dam undergo security inspections.


Gotta love hydro-electric power!


View of the Pat Tillman bridge


Our cute little ride!



The state line!


The pictures below are all from the Pat Tillman bridge. Well worth the walk to the observation area!


More day 3 pictures tomorrow!!

1 random thoughts:

Pam said...

Sounds like you managed to have a really great day even though you didn't get to take the tour. The weather and all the sites look beautiful. Fun looking trip. : )

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