Monday, October 01, 2012

The Definition of Irony

Jackson's school is participating in a Auburn vs. Alabama reading incentive, and students that read 6 books and return their form get a bookmark and are entered into a drawing for tickets to the Iron Bowl in November. Jackson realized this morning at 6:00 am that he only needed to read 1 more book in order to turn his form in. He went into his room and picked a Corduroy book and as he started reading, I went to go jump into the shower.

I was about to get into the shower when Jackson busted into the bathroom. There I was standing by the shower, nekkid as the day I was born, and Jackson brought his Corduroy book over to me. I grabbed a towel to cover up and started preaching to Jackson about privacy and respecting closed doors and all those other things that went in one ear and out the other on my sweet child. Seemingly oblivious to everything that I had just said, Jackson said that he needed help on "just one word" and he would be done and would leave me alone.

The word he needed help with: "undressed."

I live the definition of irony...

1 random thoughts:

Pam said...

LOL Oh how I remember those days of feeling like I'd never have a potty moment to myself. And now sometimes my girl wishes I wouldn't knock on the bathroom door and disturb HER private time. Oh irony, you're a funny one.

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