Friday, January 25, 2013

Spelling Word Drama

I would like to shoot whoever (whomever?) it was that decided how words in the English language were going to be spelled, and settled on these spellings:

Her: Which could easily be spelled "hur" to a first grader.
Shirt: Which could easily be spelled "shurt" or "shert" to a first grader.
Bird: Which could easily be spelled "burd" or "berd" to a first grader.
Done: Which could easily be spelled "dune" to a first grader.
Hurt: Which could easily be spelled "hert" to a first grader.
Fur: Which could easily be spelled "fir" (and sometimes is) or "fer" to a first grader.

Needless to say, our spelling words this week were a combination of er/ir/ur words which led to a meltdown of catastrophic proportions last night. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and that was just me. You should have seen Jackson.

It's gonna be interesting to see how Jackson does on his test today...

One more thing...Is it Spring Break yet?

0 random thoughts:

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