Friday, May 17, 2013

The Last Friday Of First Grade!


Today is the last Friday of first grade for this cutie pie of mine! I can't believe that Jackson is about to be a second grader, but this kiddo has rocked first grade! We've been blessed with the sweetest teacher, Mrs. Hicks, and she has helped Jackson grow so much this year. He started off the year reading on a 0.4 Accelerated Reader, and has progressed to reading on a 2.5 reading level, and he's made A/B Honor Roll all year long. I'm so proud of him! Jackson has his awards day on Tuesday morning, and then school will be finished at noon on Wednesday.

He's looking forward to lazy summer days and no homework, and I'm just wishing that time would slow down before I'm packing him up to move off to college! With as great a job as he has done in first grade, I can't wait to see what second grade will bring for him!

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