Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of Second Grade!

Jackson starts second grade today, and we are so excited. He’s going to do amazing, and we absolutely love his teacher. She was our first choice for this year, so that makes this mama happy, happy, happy.  I asked Jackson the same interview questions that I did for first grade, and at the end of the year I'll ask him the same questions and see how he changes over the year.

What is your favorite subject in school? PE.

What is your favorite thing to eat for school lunch? Macaroni and cheese.

What did you like about Mrs. Hurst's classroom? I like it a lot because it has a dugout where we read with all the major league baseball team stuff. We also have a gecko that we get to name.

What is going to be the best thing about second grade? Cause I'm in 2nd grade we are the oldest kids in the school. And I'll be the only 2nd grader at daycare.

What do you think about having homework? I don't like it.

What is your favorite color? Blue and orange.

Are you nervous about school? Yes.

What are you nervous about? I don't want there to be any bully's.

How many friends do you think you will have? Everybody in my class.

How many girlfriends? (Insert blank stare.) NONE.

I can’t wait to hear about his first day!!! I’m so nervous for him, but he will do wonderful. Wish him luck!

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