Friday, June 29, 2012

My Little Slugger

Jackson had his first T-ball game last night and he did amazing! He was first up to bat and he scored a home run on his first swing! I was so proud of him. He played pitcher during 2 innings last night, and was put in outfield during one inning. His made it to 3rd base the 2nd time he came up to bat, and then scored another homerun during his last time up to bat. I couldn't be more proud of him, and he had a great time.

This is going to be so much fun this season, and I'll post pictures and video soon. Y'all have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stepping Onto My Rainbow Colored Soapbox

*Wade's World Disclaimer* If you are a Democrat or a Liberal, you might want to just move on and not read this post. You will not like it. Consider yourself warned. Comment moderation will be turned on for this post, and any comments that I deem rude or argumentative will be deleted without hesitation or apologies. I'm not like Fox News. I never claimed to be fair and balanced.*

Now stepping onto my soapbox.

I’m completely over the gay agenda.

I’m sick of being forced to “accept” alternative lifestyles.

I’m tired of politicians and celebrities cramming gay culture down America’s throat.

I’m done with companies that advertise by promoting homosexuality.

I  have PRIDE in being part of a traditional family. I will unashamedly say that I’m a Christian, and I believe that God designed marriage to be the union of a man and a woman, and nothing that anyone, including our fearless leader Obama, says will change that.  This is not an argument about gay lifestyle. What people choose to do in their personal life is their business, and I’m not in a place to judge that, but I definitely have a Biblical world view and I don’t agree with the decisions they are making. However, it seems like it has become the trendy and politically correct thing to do to “support” gay lifestyle. If a company wants to promote an issue, why can’t it be something worthwhile, like helping kids with disabilities, or promoting American pride and exceptionalism. Instead they pick an issue that does nothing but erode traditional family values just because it is a hot button issue right now.

Here are my thoughts:

Not that I was going to support him anyway, but Obama’s recent endorsement of gay marriage was nothing more than a desperate political ploy for votes by a floundering President, and it probably won’t help him much. Nor will it change anything because last time I checked, gay marriage is still a states rights issue (for now), and every single state that has had it come up for a statewide vote has voted it down. That alone should tell politicians that the American people do not support this issue, and kowtowing to a small group of citizens is a huge mistake.

Y’all, I’m heartbroken to say this, because I love JC Penney, but they have forever lost my business by their recent ads for Mothers Day and Fathers Day that highlighted gay couples with their children, as well as naming Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson. Why must businesses bring sexual orientation into advertising? Do they really think that the LGBT community are huge JC Penney shoppers, or is that the target market they are now shooting for, instead of average Joe families? How about JC Penney stick with their heritage of promote clothing, shoes, accessories and household goods at affordable prices and leave sexual orientation out of the advertising.

Mr. JC Penney himself was a devout Christian, and he would be rolling over in his grave if he knew how his successors were running his company, and I hope their business suffers as a result of their new advertising campaign.

And as if JC Penney’s stuff wasn’t hard enough for me to take, my Mom sent me an email the other day that said that my favorite cookie, Oreo, (produced by Kraft) has now jumped on the gay bandwagon by promoting their new “Pride” cookie. They aren’t actually selling the cookies, but just using it in advertising, which is bad enough.

It’s a sad day for me, but I think I’ve enjoyed my last Oreo, and I will also avoid Kraft products. I just don’t see the point of centering all advertising towards one “market” and completely alienating everyone else by using an issue that is so clearly divisive. Why not release a red, white and blue Oreo in time for July 4th and promote American pride to bring people together? Why did they have to go with the rainbow pride? If the LGBT community is their new niche, I wish them luck as they circle the drain.

It’s definitely not my intention to stir up a debate about gay people. This isn't about gay people. Like I said before, I don't agree with that lifestyle, but I don't make a scene about it either. I just don't want it shoved in my face every time I turn on the TV or pick up a catalog or magazine. I just don’t understand why a company that sells clothing and household goods and another company that sells cookies need to bring sexual orientation into advertising. Both were good companies and don’t need to resort to such low standards in order to promote business. Because of their decisions, they have lost my support, and I doubt if I’m alone in that. I can’t, with a good conscience, give my money to a company that is blatantly supporting something that I so strongly disagree with.

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything….

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday


Jackson running from 1st to 2nd during T-ball practice. I’m so glad my ball player is back home!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

He’s Home!

Jackson got back home last night from his 9 day trip to Mississippi and I swear I could have squeezed him to pieces when he came in at 9 last night. I have missed that boy so much! It looks like he’s grown a foot since he left and he walked back in all tall and lanky. Where has my little boy gone?

Anderson is going to be super excited when he wakes up this morning. Heck, I’m so excited for the boys to see each other again that I’m wide awake at 5 in the morning. I’m tempted to make some commotion to wake everyone up, but I’m not stupid!

We have T-ball tonight and Jackson starts his games on Thursday. It’s going to be a crazy, busy week, but I’m so glad that Jackson is home and we’re back to normal!

I’ll catch back up with y’all tomorrow!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Only Child

Anderson has been the only child in our since Saturday before last, when Jackson headed to Mississippi for 9 days. Jeremy will be picking Jackson up tonight after work in Demopolis, and we're so excited to have our big boy back home. He has had a blast visiting with his Mimi and Adam in Starkville, and Papa and Gigi in Hattiesburg, but 9 days is so long! Jackson has been so busy going to class at Mississippi State with his Uncle Adam, spending time with Mim and his cousin Cameron, and having a blast with Papa and Gigi since Wednesday. We're so thankful that Jackson has been able to spend some quality one-on-one time with Jeremy's family, and we can't wait to be able to do the same for Cameron when he is a little older.

Since Jackson has been gone, not much has changed for Anderson, except that he has gotten spoiled rotten from all the attention he's been getting.

He's still not walking.
He's still not talking.
He still prefers his bottle over his sippy cup.

Clearly, we've been lazy the past 9 days only having 1 child, but we're ready for life to be back to normal with our chatterbox back home. Tball resumes tomorrow, so we better hang on for a busy summer! Y'all have a great day!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Weekly Confessions

  • My GPS has lost its mind this week. Once this week it told me to make a U-turn in 58 miles. Pretty sure I'm not doing that! It also gave me an ETA of 1 hour and 25 minutes for me to drive 44 miles. Clearly my GPS needs a vacation!
  • I saw a girl this week with a barcode tattooed on her wrist. This is an assumption on my part, but I'm pretty sure she hasn't read Revelation.
  • I saw another girl with a neon green shirt, about 4 sizes too small, that read, "You're Blinded By My Awesomeness." No, sweetie, I'm blinded by your shirt. And the fact that your beer belly is hanging out the bottom of your shirt.
  • I try not to judge people, but if you have barcodes tattooed on yourself and wear shirts that are ridiciously small, you are inviting people to question your judgement.
  • I'm having a Scentsy party tomorrow night at my friend Crystal's house. I'm super excited. If you need any Scentsy stuff, you can shop at!
  • Anderson has gotten spoiled rotten this week being an only child. Jackson is going to have to help him back into reality when he gets home on Monday!
That's all for today. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Crazy Week Around Wade’s World

  • Jeremy and I met his sister and her hubbie (Amy and Adam) in Tuscaloosa on Saturday, where we swapped one chatterbox of a 5 year old into their car to spend the week in Mississippi. He’s in Starkville until Wednesday and then heading to Hattiesburg until next Monday. Our house is so crazy quiet right now, and I’m sure that Amy and Adam’s ear drums are bleeding from Jackson talking nonstop. Seriously, the ride back home from Tuscaloosa was the quietest our car has ever been. I miss Jackson like crazy, but he’s having a blast! He got to go to college yesterday (Mississippi State) with Uncle Adam who is a professor there. I heard he told Adam before they got there, “If you need to take a rest or something, I’ll be happy to watch the kids for you!”  He is such a fun little mess!
  • Anderson is thriving on being the only child for the next week. He’s getting constant attention and will be spoiled rotten by the time Jackson gets home. It’s strange only having one child again, and since A’s not talking yet our house is super quiet!
  • Jeremy and I finally stepped into the 21st century and got new cell phones. We have ended our contract with AT&T where we were on a dinosaur of a plan and had to pay 20 cents per text message. It wasn’t a problem for me since I never text, but Jeremy gets lots of texts about work stuff, and our bill was going up drastically. Now we have new Droid phones and we’re both just smitten. Being on a 3G network  and still having unlimited talk, text and web is something I can live with. I’m almost embarrassed to tell y’all this, but I’ve had my Sony phone since Jackson was 8 months old. I should win an award or something! It’s been a good phone, but clearly it’s done it’s time and should be laid to rest! I downloaded Draw Something, and I would love some new friends on there. Be warned: my drawings are terrible!

See y’all tomorrow!

Friday, June 15, 2012

It’s Official: I’m A T-Ball Mom!

Jackson started T-ball for his team, the Mets, Thursday night with the YMCA and he did so good! I’ve never been around the ball field, especially considering my “sports” growing up were ballet and swimming, so ball field stuff is new to me. It only took me a few minutes of our first practice last night to discover that it is blazing hot outside during practice!

I was so proud of Jackson; he practiced at first base and did surprisingly well. When they worked on fielding the ball and throwing it back he had a perfect throw! I had to leave practice to head back to VBS before Jackson went up to bat, but Jeremy said that he did great hitting. We’re going to have a few more practices and then we will have games twice a week through the summer. Jackson had a blast, and we’re so excited to watch him play this summer.

I was able to get some pictures during practice. I’m so proud of my little ball player!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Training Him Up…

Jackson and I were walking into Wal-Mart the other day when we had a conversation that I’ll never forget…

Jackson: “Mama, I love you!”

Me: “I love you too!”

Jackson: “I love you a whole lot, but I don’t love you nearly as much as I love God and Jesus!”

Parenting, from the very beginning, is/has been/will be an up and down journey. It has it’s amazing, top of the world days, and it has it’s “Mama needs a timeout” days. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart, but it is so completely worth it. When I hear my child tell me that he loves God more than he loves me it just solidifies in my mind that he is grasping the relationship with God that I want him to have, and that makes all those hard days worth it. He’s “getting” what we’re trying so hard to teach him. We want to raise our children to be followers of Christ, not just good people.

Jackson has been in our church since before he was born, and he’s coming so close to making a decision about salvation. We’re definitely not pushing him, but he’s asking a ton of questions about having a personal relationship with God, and that makes my heart so happy. Helping him develop a relationship with his loving God is not a sprint to the finish line; we’re working at a steady pace with answering questions and exposing him to God’s love every chance we can get. He adores Mission Friends (with Nana and Mrs. Janice), Sunday School (with Mrs. Gini and Mrs. Laura) and Vacation Bible School (with Mrs. Jeanette and all the helpers) and we are so thankful for everyone involved in those programs that helps add more building blocks to help Jackson get one step closer to making a decision about salvation.

He may love God more than he loves me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Amazing Wonders Aviation

My sister Kellyn and I, as well as our great friend Crystal are teaching 3rd and 4th grade at our church’s Vacation Bible School this week.  We have been working hard on our Vacation Bible School room, and we are super happy with the end result. As usual we used an overhead projector and painted our images on white butcher paper. Since the theme is centered around Victoria Falls in Africa we chose to go with an animal themed room. We hung 3 blue tablecloths from Dollar Tree up to represent the falls, and then finished the room off with miniature airplanes made out of toilet paper rolls that Crystal made. They are so cute!  Here’s our room!
Admit, Believe, Confess wall
Tree, Lion (that I just love!) and our Bible verse wall.
100_1594 100_1580100_1595
Elephant, baby elephant and giraffe wall with clouds

Victoria Falls made out of cardboard and blue table clothes. The rocks at the base of the falls were made out of crumbled up paper grocery bags.
One of Crystal’s airplane. Love it!
Here are my two sweet VBS’ing kiddos these week. Aren’t they precious! Hope you enjoyed the pics!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Time

I’ve been knee deep in Anderson’s birthday party planning, GA camp preparation and Vacation Bible School decorating, which means that I haven’t had time to sit down and blog like I like. So I’m going to cut myself some slack today and do a summer meme. I would love it if you did the meme and link back. Here goes!

4 things you like about summer
- The smell of sunscreen                                                                        
-fresh watermelon and strawberries
- the smell of food on the grill
- swimming and relaxing in the pool

4 of your favorite vacation destinations
- Fort Morgan, AL
- Gulf Shores, AL
- Anywhere a cruise ship can take me
- Ponce, Puerto Rico

4 of your favorite summer foods
- Barbecued chicken
- Grilled Vegetables
- fresh fruite
- homemade ice cream

4 Summer activities you must do
- Swim
- Relax
- Read a new book
- Enjoy watching Jackson learn to play tball this summer

4 things to avoid during the summer
- Sunburn
- mosquitos
- 100 + temps with 90% humidity 
- yard work at any cost!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Happy Birthday, Anderson!



Dear Anderson,

Sweet baby boy of mine, you are finally 1 year old! We have watched you with joy this year, and I can’t believe that a year has already passed. It feels like you have always been a part of our family, and as crazy as it sounds, I don’t remember what we did without you.

At a year old, you are such a funny little guy. You are very solemn and sober around strangers, but when you are with family you laugh and cut up with the best of them. I have never met a more serious baby, and you’ve been like that since the day you were born. You are always so observant and curious, almost as if you look at the world and think, “I’m checking you out, I’m just not going to smile at you! You have to work for a smile from me!”

At a year old you aren’t walking yet, but you do great at getting around cruising on the furniture. You are definitely not a fan of your sippy cups, and have shown us just how stubborn you can be about not giving up your bottles, despite our best efforts. You aren’t hooked on your paci anymore, but in a pinch you’ll take it. You are a man of few words so far, preferring to grunt, “Eh” to everything! Your lack of language definitely isn’t your fault; you have a big brother that does all your talking for you! Speaking of Jackson, you absolutely adore him. He can make you laugh and smile like no one else, and it warms this Mama’s heart to see you playing together.

Anderson, you have brought so much pure joy and delight to our lives. When you were born you forever stole a piece of my heart, and I can’t wait to see what big things God has in store for you. I’m so proud to be your Mommy, and I will love you forever.



Wednesday, June 06, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday



After Anderson’s birthday party both boys were in serious need of a bath, so Amy and I put Cameron and Anderson in the bath together. They had a blast, and we loved seeing these little cousins have such a good time.

They are two cute little kiddos!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Hole In One Birdie Par-Tee

Anderson’s first birthday party was this past weekend and we had the best time. The birthday theme was golf, and I was super pleased with how everything turned out. I had place cards made that said the name of the food, and I had a blast coming up with golf themed food items. Enjoy the pics!


The table set up


Anderson’s amazing cake, courtesy of Janice Mattern in Mississippi. My MIL was so sweet to bring it to AL for us, and I was so pleased with how the cake turned out. It was delicious, and she decorated it exactly how I wanted it.


“Bogey Hoagies”



“Wormburners” and “Peanut Putter and Jelly” sandwiches for the little kids


Watermelon “Slices”


Drink station featuring “Sweet Tee” and lemonade, and included a recipe for making an Arnold Palmer


19th Hole with Root beer and Cream sodas


Another table shot also showing “Chip Shots” (chips and dip) and “Sand traps” that were birthday cake fudge that turned out amazing!


I printed off each of A's monthly shots from the 7th of every month and hung them from ribbons behind the cake. I loved the end result of seeing how much he has grown this year!


Nana and Tata with Anderson


Kellyn, Jason and Luke with Anderson


Papa and Gigi with Anderson


Amy, Cameron, Adam and Anderson.


Anderson wasn’t so sure about his cake!


Then he got into it!


And made a huge mess!


The sweet birthday boy!


Anderson playing with his new water table. He loved it!


Anderson’s cousin Cameron loved the table too!

We had such a good time celebrating Anderson’s birthday, and we are so appreciative of friends and family that came to enjoy Anderson’s big day. He is one loved little boy!

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