Friday, November 30, 2012
Another Wade Bites The Dust
Anderson's chronic ear drainage has tested postive for MRSA, thankfully his ear isn't draining and he's not considered contagious.
Jeremy's eyes have been red, itchy and swollen
Jackson's been sick with a bad stomach bug.
And I'm now sick with a bad stomach bug.
I'm taking another day off from the blog and checking the stock prices for Lysol.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wordless Toddlers
Anderson: (Pointing randomly over Jackson's shoulder) "Eh."
Jackson: (Picking up Anderson's sippy cup and giving it to his brother) "Here you go little buddy."
Anderson: (Throwing the sippy cup and still pointing randomly over Jackson's shoulder) "Eh."
Jackson: (Picking up Anderson's ball and giving it to his brother) "Want your ball? Here you go."
Anderson: (Throws the ball, and not in a pleased way, still pointing randomly over Jackson's shoulder) "Eh."
Jackson: (Picking up Anderson's truck and giving it to his brother) "Here's your truck. How about that?"
Anderson: (Drops the truck on the ground and melts down into a puddle of toddler tantrum, looks up and points randomly over Jackson's shoulder) "EH!!!!"
Jackson: (Looking around and giving up) "You really should learn to talk, Anderson. You're life would be so much easier."
Monday, November 26, 2012
The Week In Review
Breathing treatments for Jackson, beach packing, beach driving, beach enjoying, shell hunting, Wade family time, good food, good fellowship, great Thanksgiving, great seafood, amazing beach house, Anderson throwing up, Anderson upper respiratory infection, Anderson diarrhea, Anderson throwing up.
So basically we started and ended the last 6 days with a sick child, but we had the best time at the beach with Jeremy's family. We couldn't have asked for better weather and a better time with the Wade's. It was wonderful!!! I'll post pics when I can catch up from the sick baby!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Laberne and Charlie
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Penny Project
The "Mom of the Year" in me tries to ask nicely. And then I ask again. And again. And then the bear in me comes out and I start yelling when he still hasn't done it. I hate it, but I get so tired of repeating myself. I publicly apologize to my parents for doing the same thing as a kid. I had no idea how frustrating I was to you. I've entered into parental purgatory.
This weekend I stumbled into the best tool ever: Bribery.
We've instituted The Penny Project in our house. I made up the project this weekend, and I'm thinking of applying for a copyright, but basically, it comes down to sheer bribery.
Here's what we are doing: I got a big empty Mason jar and put it on the kitchen counter. For every task that Jackson needs to accomplish he is given a penny when he does the chore the first time he is asked. Every time we have to repeat our request he will lose a penny. When he reaches 100 pennies in the jar he will get $5 to spend however he likes. Yes, I realize the math doesn't add up to $5, but my plan is to wean him back to lesser rewards after we've reestablished a routine of obedience.
Jackson will earn pennies for getting dressed without fussing, brushing his teeth and hair, putting his shoes and jacket on, and helping with other chores around the house. I don't like to bribe, but thus far, this has worked like a charm. Jackson has 10 pennies in the jar, and none have been taken out yet. I'm done repeating myself and fussing; if Jackson can't do what he's asked to do the first time around, I just take a penny out. I figure it won't take long before he figures out the mathematics of this.
Fingers crossed that it keeps working, otherwise the Mama bear in me is going to have to figure something else out quickly, before I resort to telling Santa how the kid is acting!
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
The Day After
Devastated doesn’t come close to describing how I feel right now. I know that God is in control, but I am so fearful for the direction our country took last night.
We’ve re-elected a leader that knowingly left our troops to die in Benghazi after begging for help, and we ignored their requests. He’s never answered for this.
We’ve re-elected a leader that is in full support of partial birth abortion.
We’ve re-elected a leader that is an admitted socialist, and has never shown his original birth certificate for college transcripts, yet as a country we cried foul over tax records for a man that we deemed “too rich.”
We’ve re-elected a leader that has more Americans receiving entitlements than ever before in history.
We’ve re-elected a leader that’s answer to everything is to blame and punish rich people for their success.
We’ve re-elected a leader that lied to the American people in every debate, and never had to own up to the truth.
We’ve re-elected a man that has brought us $3+ gasoline, and he voted against a pipeline to allow for cheaper fuel for Americans.
We’ve re-elected a man that has spent millions of taxpayers dollars on lavish vacations and parties, while his constituents suffer under his policies.
We’ve re-elected a man that had the support of dictators like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro in his re-election bid. What does that tell you?
America has asked for 4 more years of failed policies and liberal ideology. As much as I love being an American, I would rather have a civil war over this and live the way my “half” of America wants to live. We’ve turned into a country of “what can I get” instead of “what can I do.” I’m heartbroken at the knowledge that America is now rewarding laziness instead of hard work and dedication. Where will we be in 4 years?
I have prayed for this country for years, and I will continue to do so. I don’t understand how anyone can support Obama, and I never will, but I pray that our country will be able to withstand the consequences of our decision, and that the America our founding fathers dreamed of is still standing in 4 years, and not brought to our knees in desperation.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
I Believe In America, And This Girl Is Voting For Romney!!!
Obama had 4 years to bring about "change." The only change America got was more debt, Obamacare and higher unemployment. Today, I'm voting to get Obama out of office! Go vote for Romney!!!
Monday, November 05, 2012
Once A Band Geek...Always A Band Geek!!!
Way back in the day,
I had the chance to return to the field this weekend as an alumni of the Auburn University Marching Band Flag Corps and it was just about the best weekend ever! We stayed in Auburn Friday night and I had to be at practice at 6:45 on Saturday morning. I quickly realized that it's a little harder picking up a flag when you haven't done it in so many years, but I think we managed okay! We had about an hour to learn both routines, which was hilarious for this old girl to try to do, but we mostly got it done. It wasn't a perfect performance by any stretch, but I had so much fun being back on the field. Enjoy the pics and video!
Waiting for me to march back into the stadium, Jackson was having lots of fun with my flag!
P.S. I would like to thank God for bringing a hair straightener into my life. I only wish he had done it before I spent 2 years performing in front of 86,000 people every Saturday. That is all.
Friday, November 02, 2012
Live From Jacksonville
Me: "Under."
Jackson: "Now say 'wear'."
Me: "Wear."
Jackson: "Now put it together and say 'underwear'."
Me: "Underwear."
Jackson: "Bahahaha. You said 'underwear'."
Me: "So did you."
Jackson: (insert stunned silence). "Oh."
Jackson: "Mama, when I was a baby, like a little bitty baby, when I was too small to sleep in a crib, did I sleep in a casket?"
Jackson: "The election is Tuesday, right?"
Me: "That's right. Only a few more days."
Jackson: "I hope that Barack Obama is fired. That man is ridiculous!"
Y'all have a great weekend. We're heading to Auburn University for me to take the field with the Auburn University Marching Band alumni. I'm so excited about performing again, and I can't wait to show you pics. Take care!