Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

I want to wish my Dad, also known around these parts as Tata, a very Happy 61st birthday today. He’s such an amazing dad, and he has blessed my life a million times over. I love you Dad!

Happy Birthday!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Santa Time!!

We saw Santa a few weeks ago, and just like we expected, Anderson was not a fan!!!
 Look at those tears and poked out lip!

He did better when I went in for the covert attack instead!

And Jackson kept messing with his shirt, but it's still a really sweet pic. I love this time of year, and Jackson was super excited to get another email video from Santa this year. Watch the video to find out if Jackson is on the naughty or nice list!
Take care and safe travels!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hives, Hives, and More Hives

It's been a stressful week, with much going on, and apparently my body decided to react to the stress by covering me in hives. It started Monday evening, with a few spots on my right elbow. Tuesday morning I had a few more, but nothing that really concerned me. I figured that they would go away. Well, I was wrong. By the time I got home from work Tuesday afternoon and took off my work clothes, I realized that I was covered in hives in patches randomly on my body. I took some Benadryl and covered myself in itch cream and tried to fight through it, without much success.

Wednesday morning found me covered in even more hives, and by this time I realized that I would probably have to go to the doctor to get this treated. I fought through it again during the day, but by Wednesday afternoon my hands were so swollen that I couldn't get my rings off my fingers. Talk about panic! I skipped church last night and took some Benadryl. I dozed off around 7 and at 8 moved into our bed to sleep. I woke up in a panic at midnight and realized 2 things: Jeremy had turned the ceiling fan off and I was burning up, and the Benadryl had worn off and I was itching like a dog with fleas. Nothing would make it stop. It was awful. Literally the only place that I didn't have hives were on the bottom of my feet. Even my palms had spots, and they were quickly moving onto my face.

So at 1:15 in the morning I got ready and went to the urgent care place in Prattville and got a steroid shot. The doctor said that my case of hives were a 10 out of 10, and then he had me stop by Walmart at 2 in the morning to get some Zyrtec. I followed doctors orders and so far the spots are still there, my hands are still swollen, but I'm not itching anymore.

So that's how my week has gone. Good times, huh? So all this girl wants for Christmas is for these hives to go away!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Meet Our New Nephew, Cannon!!!


Yesterday morning our new nephew, Cannon James Wade, made his appearance into our world. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 3 oz. and was 21 inches long with a head full of blond hair. Isn’t he adorable!!!

Congratulations Ben and Lacey!!! We can’t wait to meet  your sweet little guy this weekend!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Lessons In Parenting Volume 467

Kids take everything as truth

I told Jackson the other day that I had seen a picture of an elf that was touched by a 2 year old in the family. The elf was in a miniature bed and covered with band aids. As you may or may not know, the elf on the shelf visitors cannot be touched, or they lose their magical abilities. The family said in their post that their elf had to spend 2 days in the North Pole Memorial Hospital, and that another elf had send a letter to the family telling them where their elf was. Jackson took it to heart, and during RA's on Wednesday night, Jeremy said that Jackson quietly waited his turn during prayer requests and when his name was called said, "We need to pray for an elf that was touched by a little girl. The elf is at the North Pole Hospital right now, and he could use some prayers."

Note to self....what is said at home, doesn't always stay at home!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

A few weeks ago a friend of mine from high school, Meredith Cooper of Cooperspective Photography, took some amazing pictures of our family at the Riverfront in downtown Montgomery. Meredith has two daughters that are almost the same ages as our boys, so she was super prepared for two kids running in opposite directions! Anderson refused to cooperate for 90% of the photo shoot, but Meredith persevered and got some great shots. We were so pleased with the pics, and I’ve never been happier with our Christmas card. Enjoy the pictures!





Have a great day!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What This Mommy Wants For Christmas....

  • The chance, just for 1 day, to sleep past 5:30 in the morning on the weekend.
  • To eat one meal in peace, while my food is still hot.
  • To eat one meal in peace, without having to share my food.
  • To be able to go to the bathroom, alone, every now and then.
  • To be able to take a shower, every now and then, without a crying toddler beating on the bathroom door because he's furious that I won't let him in.
  • To take a nap, uninterrupted and alone, for as long as I like.
  • To be completely caught up on laundry for just a few hours.
  • My van and travel car to be detailed, from the dusty dashboard to the crusty cup holders. No doubt, I have mommy cars!
  • A cleaning, cooking and laundry fairy to live in my house and take care of our every need!

As tired as I am all the time, and sometimes completely overwhelmed with housework, working full time outside-the-home, and taking care of responsibilities at church, I wouldn't trade my family for anything. Even for a long Sunday nap!

Monday, December 10, 2012

What Do I Tell Him?

Jackson went to Walmart with me Sunday afternoon while Jeremy stayed home with Anderson and per the usual now, asked to go to the bathroom before we left. Bearing in mind that I have a buggy full of paid-for groceries, walking to the family restroom at the back of the store doesn't seem like an option. I pushed the buggy up to the entrance of the restroom at the front of the store and motioned for Jackson to walk into the ladies side of the restroom. He looked at me and said, "Mom, I need to go to the bathroom, and I'm a boy. I'm supposed to go to the men's room."

What do I say to that?

In this day and age of child molestation and kids being hurt and killed by sex offenders and predators, there is not a snowballs chance that I'm letting my 6 year old child walk into a men's public bathroom without a trusted adult going with him. Heck, I don't even like him going to the bathroom at church without me. I know this probably sounds insane, maybe not, but I live in mortal fear of something bad happening to one of my boys, and me not being able to stop it.

I want to tell Jackson...

"Son, I know you are embarrassed about going into the ladies room, but you will NOT walk into a men's room when I don't know who could be lurking behind that door just waiting for an innocent child to walk in..."

"Jackson, I KNOW you are a big boy, but I also know about all the bad things in life, and I want to keep that from you...."

"Sweetie, I can't keep all the bad in life from you forever, but for right now, this very moment, I don't want to unknowingly send you down a path in life that can't be reversed, simply because you want to show me how big you are...."

"Jackson, I know this is not a fool-proof statement, but in this day and age, I simply trust women more than men..."

I recently pulled up the sex offender registry for our area, and within a 5 mile radius of our house there are 40 registered sex offenders, both compliant and non-compliant, all males of every shape, size and color. While many of them looked super creepy and skeevy, there were just as many that could have been anybody, anywhere. I browsed the pictures and many of their crimes until after a few minutes, I had to look away.

As a mom, I just couldn't do it anymore. I wish my boys had the chance to grow up in a time when I didn't have to fear strangers, because they might hurt my boys.

I wish my boys had the chance to grow up in a time where they could ride their bikes and play unsupervised without having to fear that they would never come back home.

I just wish my boys had the chance to be boys....

I don't want to raise my boys to be fearful of the world around them, but I want to raise them to be cautious, wise and strong.

I don't want to raise boys that blindly trust people, even church people, males or females, just because a person is in a position of leadership.

I don't want to raise boys that keep secrets, because sex offenders and predators thrive on secrecy.

I don't want to raise boys that don't trust their instincts.

I don't want to raise boys that don't think they can come to Jeremy or I with any problem that they have.

So for today I'll continue to be a helicopter parent in this regard, and take the role of a mean, overprotective mom. I won't apologize for trying to keep my boys safe, even to the dismay of a independent 6 year old boy who, one day, will probably be grateful for this mean mama.

I'm the Mom, and if someone has to be the bad guy, I would much rather it be me, than someone who doesn't have my child's best interests at heart.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Weekly Random

  • Anderson is 18 months old today! The little stinker has completely stolen my heart in a way that only the "baby" of the family can. He can stay my baby as long as he likes!!! He still isn't saying anything except, "eh" and we have his 18 month checkup next week where we will discuss speech therapy. I know he understands what we are saying, I just wish he could contribute to the conversation other than by pointing and grunting like a caveman!
  • Nothing makes you feel better about being a hard working, tax paying citizen than seeing a brand new vehicle parked outside a food stamp office.
  • I picked up Home Alone for Jackson at the movie store yesterday and we watched it last night. I had completely forgotten about the "a" word and "hell" being in there. Repeatedly. Nothing like having to pause a movie and tell your six year old, "That is NOT a word you are ever to say, and I want you to forget that you ever heard it." His response, "What word?" A few minutes later he said, "Mama, what was that word that I'm supposed to forget again?" Nice try kid, nice try.
  • It's the 7th of December and I have ZERO Christmas decorations out yet. That's the plan for tomorrow! I feel like I've stolen half of Christmas from my kids, but alas, that's life!
  • I checked my bank balance this morning and all 5 accounts showed a $0.00 balance. What a way to get your heart pumping!!! For a split second I was so freaked out, and then I realized that the bank was having a glitch. When I refreshed, my money magically reappeared. Not much money reappeared, but alas, that also is life!

Y'all have a great weekend!!

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Ask Amy Anything

I'm in a bit of a bloggy funk. It feels like I don't have anything to say, other than: we were sick, we are now well, Anderson STILL isn't talking, I have so much Christmas shopping left to do, our house isn't decorated, we don't have a tree yet, and various other things that require time I don't seem to have.


I'm opening today up to another round of "Ask Amy Anything" and give you the opportunity to, well, ask me anything. So hit that comment button and get to asking. I need your help to end my bloggers block!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Despite his best efforts, Buzz Lightyear the elf was thwarted last night in his escapades to destroy my house. Stay tuned for more drama, as Buzz seeks his revenge....

Monday, December 03, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

I want to wish my Mom a very Happy 60th birthday today! She is the best mother I could ever ask for, and she has blessed my life in more ways than I could possibly count. I am so happy that we are super close friends, but I'm honored to call her my Mom!
Happy 60th Birthday Mom!! We love you!!!!

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