Thursday, July 30, 2015


So I've been totally remiss with posting this summer. I'm in a total bloggy funk right now, and I really don't have any excuses. Summer is almost over, and it's just been a nice break. We've taken a beach trip, and a weekend trip to Atlanta to see the Braves with Jeremy's parents, and had a blast. I'll post pics. Eventually!

School starts back in 2 weeks, and I'm ready, but Jackson isn't. Typical kid, huh? Jackson will be turning 9 (how is that even possible?) in a few weeks. He's amazingly wonderful!

Anderson has been fantastic. Growing like a weed. Adding new words to his majorly expanding vocabulary. He's so much fun!

Jeremy and I are good. Busy with work and such, but life is going along just swimmingly. Nothing exciting, just normal!

So that's life right now. I'll do better with blogging, but for now I'm enjoying this slower pace. Life is good, we are good, and I'll y'all again very soon!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Beach Fun

We went to the beach the last weekend in June, and had such a good time. This was the first beach trip for Anderson where he somewhat tolerated the sand, and didn't refuse to be put down. He wasn't a huge fan of the waves, but I'll call it progress. Jackson on the other hand couldn't get enough of the waves, and had such a blast playing with his boogie board. It was wonderful relaxing with my favorite boys, and I can't wait for us to be able to put our toes back in the sand again. Enjoy the pics!

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