Dear Anderson,
Happy 7th Birthday to you!!! It seems like I've blinked and here you are - already 7. You have been so excited about turning seven, and I think you've been planning it since the day after you turned 6. :)
Anderman, you have had a great year. You absolutely loved first grade with Ms. Rolle and learned so much! You are kind, sweet and so funny. You have truly come into your own with your sense of humor. You keep us laughing all the time, and your smile lights up the room.
You started the YMCA summer camp this week and you were so nervous. Thankfully Bubba walked you in the first day and showed you the ropes. I knew you were going to have a blast and guess what? You did! You've been swimming, hiking, playing in creeks (with your shoes and socks on!) and having countless other adventures. You are there with your buddies and I can't wait to see what other things you get into this summer.
Little man, being your Mom is one of the best joys in my life. I'm so thankful for you and for the chance to be your mom. You are going to move mountains, and I can't wait to watch and see what God is going to do in your life.
Happy Birthday, kiddo! You are officially my new favorite 7 year old on the planet!