Thursday, September 04, 2008

I've waited long enough...

I haven't had a chance to say anything until now, but here goes....

I love Sarah Palin!!!

I think John McCain made a brilliant choice in choosing her to be his running mate. Are you ready for some reasons, cause I've got them.

1. She's a woman. There are tons of female Hillary supporters out there, and she just might be able to get through to a good bit of them. I know that hardcore radical feminists don't care for her because of her pro-life stance, but at the end of the day, it is entirely possible that a female may end up being 2nd in command of the United States. That my friends, is HUGE, and about dang time considering that is is 2008.

2. She's a Mom. Of 5 kids. One with special needs. That says tons about her ability to manage a family and career, which isn't always the easiest thing to do. I know the controversy about her daughter's unplanned pregnancy cast a dark shadow over her for a few days, but let's be real here, who doesn't know someone, anyone regardless of their age, that has faced an unplanned pregnancy. It happens, despite what kind of parent you might be. I think the fact that she has raised/is raising 5 kids speaks volumes about her. Oh, and don't dare think to insult her by thinking that she can't parent and govern at the same time. Puh-lease. No one would dare think to impose that thinking on Obama.

3. She's strictly pro-life. It doens't get much better than that for me. I cannot vote for someone who is pro-choice. It's a personal decision, but that is my stance.

4. She's against gay marriage.

5. She is for offshore drilling while at the same time exploring new sources of energy. Yeah!! Let's start drilling now. I'm so excited about the possibility of having lower gas prices.

6. She has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined. Don't make fun of the fact that she has "only" been a mayor and a governor. What executive experience does Obama have?

7. She is for cutting wasteful spending. She even let her private chef go when she moved into the governor's mansion in Alaska. She knew her family could "muddle through" without one.

8. She is for lowering taxes in order to boost the economy, along with smaller government. I'm all about lower taxes. That means more money comes home to me.

You've heard my reasons for loving Sarah Palin. What are your thoughts? Do you like her, dislike her, or are you undecided?

Talk to me people...

11 random thoughts:

Anonymous said...

I was told today that she also auctioned off the governor's jet on E-Bay when she became governor! That's cutting wasteful spending...

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more! I LOVE HER!!!

Mom to the 3rd degree said...

she did auction the jet, she said that during her speech last night. I thought her speech was great! She is a great woman and I am so exicited that she is going to be vice president! Great blog!

Anonymous said...

I've been a "lurker" for quite some time now, and just have to say that I totally agree! My husband and I couldn't be more conservative and I absolutely believe McCain made the perfect choice! All your "reasons" are also ours! As a speech-language pathologist, my WORLD is special needs kids! Finally, and advocate for those who cannot help themselves! It's about time!

Vesti (in Dallas)

Jeni said...

My first instinct is to say that this is a mistake. A big, giant mistake. I will say that I haven't done hardly any research on Sarah Palin, though, so this is just all gut instincts (which for me, are rarely wrong). I have voted Republican in every election I was able since I was 18, and I'm really just apathetic about this election which has kept me from really studying and comparing McCain/Obama Biden/Palin. McCain just doesn't blow me away, though I admire the legacy of his military family and his very heroic military service, and I'm scared that Obama seems to be a charistmatic figure head for change, all the while without any experience to set those changes into real actions/laws/and policies. As far as Palin is concerned, I think it shows you that the Republicans know they're in trouble. I honestly don't believe in any other election they would have opted for a woman vp over a man. I just don't. The country is so hungry for change..lower gas prices, lower unemployment rates, getting us of out this non-recession recession we seem to be in, and a lot of other things that may or may not have to do with the current administration. Again, I haven't studied enough. But for the Repulicans to put a woman vp in there, when it is highly likely that McCain will die of old age, stress, or a combination of both during his presidency to leave a woman in charge of running the country floors me. I think it will alienate the far right Republicans and infuriate the Hillary supporters, as most will probably see this is a pitiful and futile attempt to sway them to the other side. And it's not going to work. I feel in my gut that the Republicans are throwing their election away with this choice.

Maybe she is superwoman and can do it all, but I've got two kids without any special needs, and there's no way I could run a business, much less a country. Something will have to give for her to be VP, either her family or her job, and well, as VP, it can't be her job. Personally, it's not a choice I would make. Let me be clear here. I believe a woman can do a job as good as any man. My issue here is that she already has a job..actually she has five jobs, and in today's society women seem to want to do it all, and to be honest, it bugs me, and I believe it's the kids that suffer. Being Vice Presdient is a full time job, and being the mother of five, one with special needs, is a full time job. I don't believe you can do either 100% if you try to do both. Don't nail me to the cross here, I'm just sharing my opinion. Maybe if Palin were around more at the comings and goings of her daughter's day, maybe she wouldn't have gotten pregnant, or maybe she would have. Everybody makes choices. My mom was around a lot, and that didn't prevent me some making some bad decisions in my growing up years. I'm just speaking in hypotheticals here. But I think it is unrealistic for Palin to believe she can do both to the magnitude of being great at either choice. And both being vp and being mom require greatness. This topic really fires up one of my cousins. She gets all hot when we start talking about this issue....women who work full-time out of their homes, yet women who still have desires to have children. Now listen, some women with children HAVE to work. I understand this. It's not a choice for some women. But I will say that when you sit and really figure out what you NEED to be a happy family versus what you WANT TO HAVE to be a happy family, almost always one parent could stay home full time with the kids. It is possible to live comfortably well off one decent income. It's all in reigning in our lifestyles and figuring out what is most important to the family. This cousin makes upwards of $100,000/year and cries every day when she leaves her two kids at daycare and begins her 1 1/2 commute down into Boston from their home in New Hampshire. Her husband, who makes roughly $150,000year insists that she do this because if she didn't, they wouldn't have enough money to support the lifestyle they became accustomed to in the 35 years of singledom they had before they married. That is garbage to me. I don't care who you are, you CAN live off $150,000, even in New England where it is ridiculously expensive to live. My cousin, though she cries on a regular basis as she leaves her kids at daycare, says that she just doesn't think she could stay home all the time with the kids. She believes she's a better mother because she works, but her maternal insticts that would tell her different obviously kick in every time she drives away from the daycare. I think in a world of mothers trying to have rewarding, self-fulfilling careers and still be superstar parents is not working out so well. We can look at the news and see it is not working out so well. I am old school. I believe moms belong at home with their kids. I belive motherhood is the highest, holiest calling of all mankind, and I find it truly an honor to be the one with the privilege of being able to focus all of my energies on raising my kids. My husband is a great support to me, and does his part of being a most excellent father, but he knows he can't do what I can do, and I know I couldn't do what I do without his support. We're a package deal. I believe moms do a job that no other caregiver can do, and even a job that no dad can do. It's an unpopular position in the world we live in, but it's my position, nonetheless. I know I could never be the kind of employee I would want to be with the children I have, and I know i could never be the kind of mother I want to be if I were to work full time outside of my home. That old adage of wanting cake and eating it too...

But, I digress. To get back to the topic at hand, I will probably vote Republican, as I always have, but I am just not as jazzed to head to my polling place this year. What little I saw of the conventions this year bored me.

This may not have been exactly what you were looking for....

Anonymous said...

Nobody asked Sarah Palin to choose between her children and her country. To me, a woman is perfectly capable of raising children and holding a full time job, yes even the Vice President of this great country. Her daughter got pregnant out of wedlock, yes but you can't blame her job for that, kids just do stupid things sometimes no matter how hard we try as parents to prevent it. I'm sure that Amy will appreciate your opinion but I am a little offended. I happen to be a working mother raising two children and I don't feel like I am ANY less capable of doing well at my job while continuing to be the best mother I can. Governor Palin will be a wonderful VP in my opinion, and I'm sure she is an excellent Mother too!

Mom to the 3rd degree said...

I disagree 110% with your entire statement. One thing is that even if Sarah Palin had been there for her daughter that would NOT have prevented her pregancy at 17! I myself was a pregnant unwed mother at 17, and my parents have been happily married for 25 years. They were very invloved in my life, and I still got pregnant that has nothing to do with why teenagers end up pregnant. I've volunteered at a crisis pregnancy center and you would be suprised to find out the teens that end up in there are more likely to be from an outstanding member of society than a local homeless person. People judge too fast and that is the problem here. I also believe to say that women should not work and raise children is horrible. My sister works full time as does her husband and their 4-month old son is the happiest baby, and is not without one item! She is a great mother, more so because she has to get up and work and provide for her family, while also raising a baby. That is two full time jobs that can be juggled to fit together. My last point is why do the men in the election not get bashed for having children?? That is so sexist! John McCain and his wife Cindy have 7 children! Did you know that? One is special needs as well. Does that make him less of a good candiate? No I don't think so, why isn't anyone bringing up the fact that Obama also hase two young girls? Because fathers are just as important as the mothers when raising a family and I think if Sarah Pailn is going to be bashed, and judged because of her children so should the men.

Sorry Amy!:)

Jeni said...


That's the beatiful thing about opinions...we can all have them, and I'm sorry you took offense to my comments, but I can't help feeling the way I feel either. And it's okay that everybody doesn't agree on everything. How boring would our world be then??

Wade's World said...

Wow. Thanks for all the insightful comments. The important thing is that even though we as women may not always agree on the issues (or candidates) at hand, we need to vote regardless.

If you don't vote, then don't complain!!!

Unknown said...

Well, it looks as if I have stirred up a hornet's nest! Sorry, Amy! :) That wasn't my intent! I don't think I'm going to address any more comments directed to me on your blog because I don't want this to turn into contention, because we all know contention is not good. I love to see people with their opinions, though, who stand behind them, even if they're different from mine. One last thing I will say, then I promise I'm done is, people must have missed the part in my epic post down there about when I said, MAYBE Sarah Palin's daughter wouldn't be pregnant if mom were around more. Maybe. I then continued to state that sometimes parents can be around a lot and teenagers still aren't going to make the best decisions. It is just something for us to think about, that is all.

And yes, I totally agree you should vote for somebody. It's a divine American right, and we should exercise it, even if we're not jazzed about our choices. :)

Wade's World said...

I'm just glad to have lots of comments on something for a change!! It makes it lots more fun out here!!!

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