Thursday, March 10, 2011

I’ve Been Invaded

Once upon a time, before Jackson, my bathtub looked like this:P1010189It was the perfect spot for me to take a hot bath, relax and enjoy a nice book.

Now, instead of being a place of rest and relaxation for me, Jackson is having the time of his life!


From night to night you never know who, or what, you might find. Last night this was the cast and crew:


First up we have Captain Jack Sparrow with his super duper Sonic straw, ready to take on Will Turner with his giant watering can…


Then we have a legion of cars, trucks, cement mixers and monster trucks, ready for their next challenge…


One lonely green snake, which looks VERY realistic….


Some kind of bomber plane and a front end loader (complete with driver)…


Assorted Superhero’s, like Captain America, Flash Gordon and the Green Lantern…


Batman and the Joker ready to fight to the death….


Twitch and his GI Joe Buddies enjoying a dip in the rooftop kiddie pool…


Spiderman enjoys riding his Monster truck, although he’s a little big for it…


Ken (circa 1986) and Leonardo argue over who is hotter: Barbie or April O’Neal…


And last but not least, a Froggy Lifeguard to watch over everyone, because around here, we believe in safety first!

I may not have my bathtub to myself anymore, but I can guarantee that bath time is never boring!

4 random thoughts:

SummerTyme said...

Hey Amy. That looks like my tub as well; however, instead of super heros and pirates, I have a plethora of Barbies, Princesses and mermaids. :)

Candy said...

So cute! Your writing is hilarious. And I am like will find Barbies, Princesses and tea cups, pots and plates. ; )

Pam said...

That is a hoot! But the funnier hoot would be you scrunching down all over the room getting just the right shot of all the cuteness! Priceless.

Enjoy it...someday he'll have a razor and deodorant in that bathroom and you'll wonder where the time went. : )

Rachel said...

Looks like a fun bath to me! You just need to exercise your imagination while bathing more often!!

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