Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are my travel days for work. I dress up on those days because you know, I need to for marketing and what not. Anyways, yesterday I had on a dressy pair of black work pants, high heel black leather boots, and a fitted periwinkle blue maternity shirt that has ruching on the sides. The best part of the outfit to me was that I finally felt like I looked pregnant, and not just fat, which for me felt like a big accomplishment.
My travel routine includes always stopping for gas at Entec before I hit the road. So I did just that. I'm just starting to pump gas when I spotted a middle aged lady getting out of her over sized SUV and walking toward me. I confess to you that the first thing I thought when I spotted her was that someone should tell her that white pantyhose are never okay, and secondly that white shoes before Easter are a big no-no. Putting my judgment aside, I smiled and said hello as she walked over. She came right up to me as I pumped, put a magazine into my hand and said, "Here you go. This is a magazine on how to have better health and nutrition. Have a nice day!"Almost every pump at Entec was being used by someone getting gas, and I was the only person that she approached. I guess I just looked fat after all, and not pregnant. I was too surprised to say anything, and much to my dismay, I was, for probably the first time in my life, speechless. I finished pumping my gas, sat down in the car and realized that she had given me a Jehovah's Witness brochure on health and nutrition which I immediately assumed meant that she thought that not only was I fat, but I'm also going to hell.
I then called Jeremy to vent and decided to ease my hurt feelings over a plate of hash browns and toast with extra butter from Waffle House. I figure that if people already think I'm fat, I'll give them something to look at.
But at least I know better than to wear white shoes with white pantyhose before Easter.
4 random thoughts:
awe Amy! I am sorry!!!! you are not FAT! That was completely rude of the woman!
Hold you head up! but waffle house sounds so good right now.
No way! That is awful. I think I would have yelled it out..I AM PREGNANT FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!...just so I could watch her slink away. Maybe you should have given her a tract...then the 'going to hell' thing would be even. LOL
How RUDE!!! Too bad you couldn't have come up with a good comeback, but I would've just stood there in shock with my mouth hanging open. Maybe SOMEONE will tell her about white pantyhose. They shouldn't even sell those.
Wow. She needs to work on her evangelism techniques. I don't see that getting anyone to beg her to tell them more about Jehovah's Witnesses...
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