Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our Little Graduate

Jackson had his graduation from Pre-K this morning, and our little guy did so great! All the kids looked so cute with their caps and gowns, and they were all so well behaved. Jeremy and I had been concerned that Jackson would have his usual stage fright, but he did fantastic! He was even chosen to present the Bible for the pledge. I was so proud of him! I did really good holding it together until the very end of the program when they showed a power point presentation of pictures of all the kids taken from birth to now. It was about two kids into the show when I started crying, and I didn’t quit until the show was over! We got video of the graduation, and as soon as I have time I’ll get it posted. I hope you enjoy the pictures!


100_3023Pastor Mike and Jackson’s teacher, Mrs. Jan

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Jackson in his cap and gown. Isn’t he the cutest thing ever! 100_3027

His graduating class

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Jackson and his best buddy Charlie (who starts kindergarten in another year)

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Jackson presenting the Bible during the pledge

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Jackson singing the songs. The second picture is during, “This Little Light Of Mine.”

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Jackson getting his diploma 100_3071 My handsome graduate!

100_3072 100_3073 100_3075 Jackson with Nana and Tata100_3077Jackson with KK 100_3079 Jackson with Mommy and Daddy

We’re so proud of Jackson. He’s such a blessing to us, and Jeremy and I can’t wait to see where the next year takes us!

2 random thoughts:

Pam said...

These assemblies are so sweet! So precious watching kids at this age, isn't it?! I wondered if you'd be able to keep it together. I'm glad you held out as long as you could. Love the pics. He's growing up so quickly! : )

Mom said...

We are so proud of Jackson. He did awesome! What a difference a year makes. So proud of his learning Jeremiah 29:11. That's my favorite Bible verse. "For I know the plans I have for you." God is so good!

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