A few days ago I opened up the first ever round of “Ask Jackson Anything.” Jackson is super excited about answering his questions. Here goes!
Kay asked: What's your favorite thing to do with your little brother? Play with him.
What would be the "funnest day ever"? I would get up before my parents and watch tv. Then I would have a pop tart for breakfast. And then I would play with a four wheeler. I would also be in charge.
How old do you think your mom is? 31. (And he’s right!)
How old do you need to be to drive? 90 years old.
What sounds like a super fun job for a grown up? Be a fireman or a super hero.
Do you like pickles? Yes, but only the circle ones.
Nana asked: What's your favorite color? Red.
Favorite football team? Auburn.
Favorite place to eat? Jose’s Cantina and McDonald’s.
Favorite place to go to play? The park with the pond.
Favorite food? Chicken nuggets.
Are you excited about going to 1st grade? Yes! I can’t wait!
Do you have fun making your brother laugh? Yes!
Can you ride a bicycle? Yes, but I have to have training wheels.
Can you kick a football? Uh-huh.
Can you read? I’m the goodest reader in my class!
Favorite book? Transformer books.
Esther asked: If you could be a super hero, who would you be? The Incredible Hulk because he’s super strong!
That’s it for today! Y’all have a great weekend!