Thursday, April 12, 2012

Is This Why The Chicken Crossed The Road?


Jackson has discovered the world of knock knock jokes, and I fear my life may never be the same. I’m sure all kids go through this phase, but mercy, the jokes are killing me. I know that he’s new to this, but y’all, I’m earning crowns in Heaven right now for playing along…

For instance:

Jackson: “Knock, knock.”

Me: “Who’s there?”

Jackson: “Red.”

Me: “Red who?”

Jackson: “Red wedgie!” (insert maniacal laughter from Jackson)


Jackson: “Knock, knock.”

Me: “Who’s there?”

Jackson: “Shoe.”

Me: “Shoe who?”

Jackson: “Shoe lace!!!” (insert maniacal laughter from Jackson)


Jackson: “Knock, knock.”

Me: “Who’s there?”

Jackson: “Dog.”

Me: “Dog  who?”

Jackson: “Dog fur!!!!” (insert maniacal laughter from Jackson)

I know he’s just figuring out this joke stuff, but I’ve found myself googling knock knock jokes just to try to give him some new material. If you have any to pass along I would be super happy to do so! I guess at the end of the day I have figured out the age old question as to why the chicken crossed the road…it was to get away from the knock knock jokes!

2 random thoughts:

Esther said...

Oh, honey, you just wait. It will soon turn into this:

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Dog who?



Pam said...

Oh. My. Goodness! I don't have any words...or good knock knock jokes. I feel your 'pain'. : )

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