After placing repeated phone calls to my neurologist office last week, I finally got through to my nurse to let her know that my headaches were back with a vengeance. Let's just say that I was less than thrilled with some of the stuff that she asked me, and just about everything pointed to the fact that she wasn't even bothering to look in my chart to find out the answers to her questions. A few examples...
"Did you take the steroid prescribed to break up the cycle of headaches?" No, because your office told me to quit taking the steroids after I was awake for almost 2 straight days. Did anyone bother to write that down?
"Did you follow up with the TMJ doctor like the nurse practitioner wanted you to?" No, because we discussed (and she wrote it in my chart) at my last appointment that we were going to wait until my appointment in November to even bring up the TMJ aspect of my headaches. She didn't even tell me the name of the doctor, so how, may I ask, was I supposed to follow up with him?
"We're just going to change your BP medication and let that be that for now." No, because I'm dying over here. Lady, I have a headache all day, every day. I wake up with headaches. I go to sleep with headaches. I need relief, and the only thing that is working right now is the Imitrex injections, of which my insurance company will only cover 12 every 2 months. Right now, I have 3 injections left and a month and a half to go before they can be filled again.
As of right now I'm on a new blood pressure medication, have a prescription for a pain medicine and I have a "first available" appointment with a TMJ specialist in November. Please pray that the new meds give me some relief. I'm super afraid of causing liver damage because of the insane amounts of medication I'm having to take, and I know that rebound headaches are in play from the medication. It's like a bad roller coaster that I can't get off.
Here's hoping that the new pill works, because y'all, I need a break. Jeremy will be gone most of this week and its just about impossible to function with a headache when you are alone with 2 kids. Wish me luck...
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
1 day ago
2 random thoughts:
Oh my goodness. As a migraine sufferer, I can understand your pain, and I'm SO sorry. Will be praying for relief for you, friend!
Poor girl! I don't have migraines, but I know that even smells can 'set me off' and give me a headache. Have you tried taking all scents out of your lives? Candles, fabric softener, perfume etc. Those smells give me a headache super fast. Big time triggers. What about foods and dyes and 'stuff' in foods. I've read so much about people changing to a whole food diet and chronic migraines...begin to clear themselves up.
I know there aren't any easy answers and right now all you can see is a blur of pain. I wish I could make it all go away. Hugs.
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