I'm lucky to be a member of Purex insiders, where I receive product samples and recently was given a bottle of Purex Baby detergent to review. We've dealt with eczema for years with Jackson, and now it seems as though Anderson's skin is just as sensitive. Because of this, we've moved away from harsh detergents and have been super pleased with the Purex brand to take care of our clothes, while still being gentle on our skin.
Purex Baby detergent is hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested and formulated to be extra gentle on your little one’s sensitive skin, and did not disappoint me! Purex Baby detergent leaves your baby’s clothes smelling fresh and clean, and won’t harm the flame resistance of sleepwear. I know from personal experience that Purex is great at getting rid of tough stains, while still being gentle enough to use on babies clothes. For us, it's a win/win/win; my clothes are clean, my kids don't have an allergic reaction to harsh chemicals, and Purex detergent is very affordable which is super important to my family budget.
Here's the fun part for y'all....I'm giving away a coupon for a free bottle of Purex Baby detergent to 3 lucky winners!
Here's how to enter:
1. Leave me a comment telling me your toughest stain. Make sure you post your email address so I can get in touch with you.
2. (For an additional entry) Tweet about this contest and then post a link to your tweet.
3. (For another additional entry) Share this blog contest on Facebook and post a link to your post.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
That's it! The contest will run today, January 28th through Friday, February 1st at midnight. I'll do a random drawing for the 3 winners and then mail the coupons out. Good luck!
Update: This contest is now closed. Winners were Jessica C, Soyna and Leslie W! Congrats!
FCC Disclosure: Purex provided me with a sample of Purex Baby detergent in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 425
3 hours ago
13 random thoughts:
C's favorite food is spaghetti and it leaves a nasty stain (hence we usually strip him down for this meal).
Our most recent toughest stain was ice cream.
We are currently using purex free and clear for Eli's clothes and I love it!!
Toughest stain is ketchup or chocolate milk.
I know this is for Purex Baby, but the toughest stain to remove is blood. If I win, it would be a nice suprise gift for Kellyn.
Our toughest baby stain is formula and carrots.
Maggie True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
I tweeted
Maggie True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
anything tomato based, like spaghetti sauce, ketchup is terrible! Oh, and that orange colored baby food..squash I think it is-I can never get it out completely!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
grease stains
Touest stain is definitely paint!!! Have lots of ruined clothes from the studio. Find that magic remover and I will pay good money for it!
The worst stain was when I gave my daughter blueberry pancakes
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Oh the baby food carrots and squash!
landfjacobson @ charter.net
I would have to say blood. i can never get it out.
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