Friday, February 08, 2013

Facebook Frustrations

Sometimes my blog can be a place for me to come vent, because there are some things that I would never say in real life to someones face, yet they cross my mind all the time. I'm on Facebook more than I would like to admit, and I'm just overcome with sadness, frustration and at times, I've even come close to deleting or hiding chronic offenders for their crimes against my news feed. Here's what gets me...
1. Incessant self portraits. This includes constant web cam or cell phone pics. I'm not opposed to an occasional picture, but I have offenders on my "list" that are constantly updating their profile pic with yet another self portrait, usually made with some ridiculous face pose, or even better, made in a public bathroom. If it's a teenager taking the pic, 9 times out of 10 they try to throw in a sexy pose with their non-existent cleavage. Are you seriously so taken with yourself that you can't stop yourself from pulling your cell phone out in a public bathroom and snapping another picture? Can you not stop yourself from taking another web cam picture, just because you are online? Really?!? I can assure you that your "look" hasn't changed that much in the last 12 hours. You don't need another narcissistic picture of yourself.  I'm a chronic picture taker of my kids, but I will never develop a case of chronic-self-pic-itis. Ever.

2. Duckface, which takes chronic-self-pic-itis to another level. I seriously want to smack in the face ever single person that takes a picture like this. I almost need anger management over it. What would possess you to think any picture taken like that looks good. You look like Derek Zoolander.
3. Using hashtags on Facebook. I'm going to majorly step on toes with this one, but this kills me. Hashtags are for twitter, not facebook. If you are on twitter, and use a #hashtag, it allows other people searching for a particular theme (like the Super Bowl for example) to search, "#Superbowl" and then they can see what everyone is saying. Putting "#Superbowl" on Facebook will do nothing. Ever. The only time I have ever personally been guilty of this offense was when I was required by the FCC to do a #ad on a sponsored ad I was getting paid for posting, and even then, it hurt my soul to commit such an atrocious offense. Even worse than just putting a hashtag on facebook is when people run things together into a run-on hashtag like, #sotiredwhenwillitbefriday? and then I have to beat my head against my desk from the sheer frustration.

If we are Facebook friends and I have stepped on your toes with these issues, I apologize, I just needed to get it out in a very passive aggressive way, cause that's how I work. I would never actually say any of this to an offenders face. Perhaps if you think you are guilty of these, you need to take a moment to reflect on these crimes against Facebook news feeds everywhere and then make a commitment to never be "that" person again. Just a snarky thought.
And now I will step off of my Facebook soap box and go check out more chronic self pics, duck faces and hashtags in my news feed....

2 random thoughts:

Mom said...

Love love love your last two posts!!!

Pam said...

Agreed. Although old people like me don't do as many selfies and it doesn't bother me when kids do it. Except when they are in the bathroom. The thing that's killing me these days are the POLITICAL posts. I know I can't stand O without being reminded of all the reasons why. Constantly. Enough already. : / And hashtags don't bother me unless itsonereallylongword. And that drives me nuts. *waves the white flag*

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