We had a wonderful Easter weekend around Wade's World. The weather was great on Saturday and we made the most of it by dying Easter eggs, enjoying an Easter Egg hunt at our church and then playing in the backyard. Anderson didn't quite get the idea behind the egg hunt, but he had fun anyways! Jackson had a super time hunting eggs and found tons of them! Saturday afternoon I went to see The Host with my friend Crystal. She had talked me into reading the book, and the movie was pretty good! I made it home well before the boys went to bed and we had more family time before putting the boys to bed and getting ready for the Easter bunny to visit.
Jeremy had to be at a sunrise service at work early Easter morning, but the boys had fun checking out their Easter baskets while I attempted to get all 3 of us ready for church. Fun times! I had nursery on Sunday morning so I didn't get to hear the sermon, but I did get to enjoy helping take care of a total of 38 kids in the nursery! After church we went to lunch with Mom and Dad and then headed home for a fantastic nap. It was a wonderful weekend, and I loved spending time with all 3 of my boys!
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