Friday, June 14, 2013

Facing Fear, Trusting God

We've got Vacation Bible School going on this week at our church, and our theme is Colossal Coaster World: Facing Fear, Trusting God. I always love working on my VBS room, and this year was no different. It took about 20 hours to finish the room this year, and I was super pleased with the results. Painting the Ferris wheel was the hardest part this year; it took 3 1/2 hours just to paint the outline on the wall, and then adding the colors took another hour. The carousel turned out very pretty, and the tent adds a big punch of color to the room. I consider it a success!

The theme this year has been super appropriate for me. I've got a situation I'm facing right now, and fearful doesn't come close to describing how scared I feel looking down the barrel of this gun. Imagine my surprise when all week I've got to teach the kids lessons on "Facing Fear and Trusting God." God definitely has a sense of humor. The lessons, music and verse have been so appropriate for what I needed this week, and I'm just doing my best to remember that God knows the future, even on days like today when I don't. If you don't mind, please say a prayer for me today. I would gratefully appreciate it!

Enjoy the pictures!

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