I've known Allison since I was 6 years old, and she was 4. We practically grew up as sisters, with us being 2 years apart, and each of our younger sisters being 2 years apart, and I view her parents as a second set of parents. So it was me, Allison, Kellyn and Crystal. We lived next door to each other through most of high school, and then her parents moved to the other side of town, and eventually to Denver and now live in Arkansas. Allison's younger sister, Crystal, still lives 5 minutes away from us, and we are still super close.
Allison married Jason, and the two of them begin the journey of an Air Force military family, being stationed in Salt Lake City, Italy, and now Alaska. Through the years they have added 3 precious boys to their family, Chase, Zachary and Eli. Allison is a great mom, and has done amazing with the solo parenting that comes with being a military spouse, including spending her first winter in Alaska alone with the boys while Jason was on TDY. This past weekend Allison and her crew came back to town to stay with her sister and we got to spend some precious time reconnecting with each other. I haven't seen Allison since Crystal's wedding 2 years ago, but like always, it was like time had stood still. We met up at my parents house Saturday night for hamburgers, hotdogs and swimming, and then went to a Biscuits game last night and enjoyed hanging out with all of our kids. Between us 4 girls, we have 5 sons and 1 daughter, so it was a funny and wild weekend!
We have a friendship that has withstood the test of being miles apart and not seeing each other for years, but nothing will come between the two of us. She has, and always will be, a sister to me, and I will love her always!
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