Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tales From The Mom Side

·         I found a sippy cup of congealed milk yesterday.  I gagged profusely emptying it out, and would have much rather found the cup in a state of solid milk than the sloshy substance that I unearthed. It looked like milk jello. I should have just thrown the cup away, but I hate to waste a $5 cup.
·         No one in the house, from the kids, to the husband, to the dog, need me until the moment the bathroom door shuts. 

·         I have a laundry pile that could rival Mt. Everest in my bed room right. If you need clean clothes, I have them buried somewhere in the laundry basket. If you need something folded, you are out of luck right now my friend.

·         I had cheese puffs for supper last night. Cheese is dairy, so at least I covered a basic food group.

·         Jeremy was out of town last night, so I let Jackson and Anderson sleep in my room with me. Big mistake. Big huge mistake. (Done in my best Pretty Woman voice). Jackson slept sideways in the middle of the bed, Anderson slept next to him having very active dreams all night, and I hugged an edge. I’m whooped. 

·         Today marks 1 month at my new job. Best decision ever!

Any tales you want to share?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cousin Time!

The boys and I drove up to Oak Mountain State Park this past Saturday to meet Amy, Adam and Cameron for the morning. They had driven over from Starkville to see Adam's grandparents and they invited us to join them for some cousin time on Saturday. We had such a good time! The weather was cool, but so enjoyable, and the cousins had such a good time playing with each other. It's hard to get a great shot with 2 two year olds and a squirrely 7 year old, but I did my best. After playing all morning we enjoyed lunch together at Ruby Tuesday's before heading our separate ways to try to get two boys down for their naps. It was such a good day, and I can't wait to do it again!

Enjoy the pics!

Check out Cameron's baby blues!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

10 Things About Me

  1. I fiercely love my family and would do anything for them.
  2. I’m a sinner, saved by Grace.
  3. I shared a bed with my sister on Christmas Eve up until the year I got married. We would wake up at the crack of dawn and sneak downstairs together. And by “dawn” I mean 2:00 in the morning.
  4. I hate pickles and mustard with a passion.
  5. I hate Alabama and LSU football. Loyal Auburn fan forever!
  6. I graduated from HS in 1998.
  7. I have lived within a 1 hour radius my entire life.
  8. Next month Jeremy and I will celebrate 12 years of marriage.
  9. I have a Jesus fish tattoo on my foot.
  10. I’ve been to 14 states, 3 US territories and 1 foreign country.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What's The Rush?

I am aware that I may be stoned, flogged, and downright scourged for posting this, but I’m seriously struggling with this issue. This post may go viral (and not in a good way), but inquiring minds want to know… 

What is the hurry to decorate for Christmas? 

Why are we in such a dadgum hurry to get from Halloween to Christmas, and completely skip over Thanksgiving? Any other time of the year, we as consumers protest loud and clear when they are bringing out Easter candy the day after Valentine ’s Day, and decorating for Halloween at the beginning of September for instance. So why, may I ask, is my FB feed absolutely blowing up with people that have completely got their house decked out for Christmas, and are finished with all their shopping, and we are only in the middle of November? Have you folks not heard of Black Friday?!? My parent’s neighborhood has 2 homes that are already fully decorated with outside lights, wreaths, and huge inflatable Christmas things. It just strikes me as odd that we seem to be in such a rush to skip Thanksgiving. November should be decorated with pumpkins and cornucopias and fall stuff, not Christmas trees. I should not be hearing Christmas music when I’m out shopping in the middle of November. 

I love Christmas as much as the next person, not only the decorations and traditions, but especially what the holiday means. However, I also think that it’s important to celebrate Thanksgiving for what it is; a time to celebrate all the things that we are thankful for in life with family and friends. Call me a Scrooge if you must, but my Christmas decorations don’t come out until after Thanksgiving, after the regular season of football is over. If you need my breakdown, here it is: 

November = Fall = Family, Food, Fun and Football. 
December = Winter = Christmas. 

What are your thoughts?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Best Saturday Ever!

Jeremy was off all day Saturday which is a very rare event around our house. We had my Mom and Dad watch the boys Friday night and we tackled unearthing the playroom and the boys bedroom. We got everything cleaned up nicely, and we were able to enjoy going out for breakfast early Saturday morning before heading over to pick up the boys. 

When we got to my parents house, we took the boys down to the park and let them ride their bikes, play on the playground and throw a football around. Such a fun way to spend a gorgeous day outside! When we got back to their house, Jeremy and I raked up a huge pile of leaves in the front yard and let the boys take turns jumping in. They had so much fun, and their laughter was so contagious! 

We got back to our house for lunch and naps, and when Anderson woke up, I took the boys to help me pick pecans so Jeremy could have some uninterrupted football time. We weren’t very successful in our pecan venture, but we had a good time playing outside. We went back home for supper and more football and the boys wrestled in the living room floor for ever. Pretty much the best, most relaxing Saturday in a long time, and I absolutely loved every second!

Friday, November 08, 2013

Weekly Confessions

• My new office building is in the downtown area, and I love working downtown again. So many cool places to eat and having lunch by the riverfront is awesome. So relaxing except for the random guy that was watching me eat the other day, and I had no idea that I was being watched. When I went to walk back to my office he made some creepy comments to let me know that he had been watching me. No more solo lunches at the river for me!

• I’m in a cubicle now, and I definitely have had to get used to being quiet. After a few days of not having a radio, I had to bring my ipad and ear buds to have some music. The day goes by so much faster listening to 60’s music on Pandora. When the 60’s music starts to repeat, I change to the Disney station. So apparently I’m an old soul with a young heart! 

• Anderson has learned a new word, “Me!” Sounds so basic, but it’s a word he has really struggled with. Now whenever I ask something like, “Who wants _____?” He’s like, “Mmmeeeeeeeeee!” And he’s so proud of himself that it’s just about the cutest thing ever!

• I’ve resorted to keeping my life on my outlook calendar because my brain is shot. Either having two kids has caught up to me, or having such a busy job is sucking my brain cells out of my head. 

• I worked on an excel document for 2 hours the other day and stupidly didn’t save my work. I wanted to beat my head on my desk, and I had no one to blame but myself. Definitely a lesson learned! 

• The boys “playroom” has become a catch-all for whatever doesn’t have a home in our house. We are going to attempt to unearth the floor in the room tonight before someone calls “Hoarders” on us. 

Y’all have a great weekend!

Monday, November 04, 2013

My Life Right Now In 50 Words!

I absolutely love my new job! 

Camped this weekend with the family. It was awesome! 

Super ready to see Catching Fire in a few weeks! 

House is a disaster! 

My kids are amazing; Anderson is cuteness galore and Jackson is delightful. I am so blessed! 

Ready for a great week!
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