What is the hurry to decorate for Christmas?
Why are we in such a dadgum hurry to get from Halloween to Christmas, and completely skip over Thanksgiving? Any other time of the year, we as consumers protest loud and clear when they are bringing out Easter candy the day after Valentine ’s Day, and decorating for Halloween at the beginning of September for instance. So why, may I ask, is my FB feed absolutely blowing up with people that have completely got their house decked out for Christmas, and are finished with all their shopping, and we are only in the middle of November? Have you folks not heard of Black Friday?!? My parent’s neighborhood has 2 homes that are already fully decorated with outside lights, wreaths, and huge inflatable Christmas things. It just strikes me as odd that we seem to be in such a rush to skip Thanksgiving. November should be decorated with pumpkins and cornucopias and fall stuff, not Christmas trees. I should not be hearing Christmas music when I’m out shopping in the middle of November.
I love Christmas as much as the next person, not only the decorations and traditions, but especially what the holiday means. However, I also think that it’s important to celebrate Thanksgiving for what it is; a time to celebrate all the things that we are thankful for in life with family and friends. Call me a Scrooge if you must, but my Christmas decorations don’t come out until after Thanksgiving, after the regular season of football is over. If you need my breakdown, here it is:
November = Fall = Family, Food, Fun and Football.
December = Winter = Christmas.
What are your thoughts?
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