Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Week Thus Far

Busy. Busy. Busy.

Tax season is off to a roaring start, and work is crazy busy. Two of us actually prepared tax papers for clients at the end of last week, and in the course of a day and a half, we went through more than 12 boxes of paper. In case you ever wondered, that is 120 reams, which amounts to more than 60,000 pieces of paper. Insane.

I’m absolutely loving my job, I just might be a little more absent than usual. 

In kid related news, Jackson has lost 2 teeth this week, made A/B Honor Roll, and finished his list of 100 books for second grade, so the 7 year old has had a pretty sweet week. The 2 year old has been busy throwing tantrums and looking cute. Nothing out of the norm for him!

Y’all take care, and I’ll be back soon!

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