Monday, July 14, 2014

I've Jumped On The Essential Oils Bandwagon

If you have known me for any amount of time, you know that I have suffered from chronic headaches for years. I have gotten so sick of taking medications, that I finally reached out to Jackson's first grade teacher, Teri, and asked her about essential oils for headaches. She gave me the scoop (and several samples of various things in my debating time frame) and after talking it over with Jeremy, I signed up as a Young Living rep.

My sole purpose was just to use the oils for our family, but now that I've tried them for myself, I'm hooked. I can't help but share the love with anyone I talk with about how well these oils are working for me. I've used the peppermint oil for a week, and I've gone from taking OTC medication every single day, to taking 1 pill in the span of a week. For me, that is a record. I've used the lavender on the boys feet to help them sleep, and for almost a week now, they have slept like babies. I've used the Valor oil on Jeremy's big toes (while he was sleeping) to make him stop snoring. Y'all, I'm not exaggerating when I say that he quit snoring 30 seconds after I applied the oil, and he never woke up.

I watched a video on EOs (essential oils) last night and the speaker mentioned how "natural" it has become to take Tylenol and Motrin, and how "unnatural" methods like oils have become. It got me to thinking very hard about how the modern way of life of having a Walmart and CVS on every corner to sell you medication is a relatively new concept. Oils have been around forever, and since they are derived 100% from plants, you know it has to be safer than taking who knows what to treat the symptom instead of cure the problem. This is a new road for our family, but it has been life changing, and if you would like more information, message me at and I'll help you in any way I can. Take care!

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