Jeremy and I have had a few debates lately that need resolution. What better place to come than to the trusty ole' Internet. We (and by that I mean I) would love for you to give your opinion. Especially if it supports my side.
- When buying new sheets, I picked up a bright red set. Jeremy said, "Those are nice, but won't we get hot from the dark color?" When I looked at him in complete confusion he said, "Darker colors attract light." My only response was, "Not in a dark room they don't." So, do darker sheets make you hotter at night?
- When referring to the muscle around your groin area, do you pronounce the word groin to rhyme with loin or coin, or pronounce it "grow-in?" I make it rhyme with loin, and it drives me bonkers that Jeremy says it the other way. How do you say it?
- Jeremy says, "for all intensive purposes" and I say "for all intents and purposes. I know I'm right on this one, but would love you to weigh in on the debate.
- Jeremy is convinced that laying on his left side makes his heart work harder. I think that is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, but I would definitely love to hear your opinion on this one.
4 random thoughts:
If you're out in the sun, you don't want to wear black, because it absorbs the heat. But in a dark room, that doesn't matter. :-) (That one made me snort coffee into my nose.)
First of all...LOL! I don't think the sheets are going to make you hot unless you're sleeping in the sun in the backyard. Then you've got more problems than the sheets. Rhymes with loin. I think he's got a bad case of 'the southerns' if he adds the extra syllable. The only intensive is intensive care in the hospital. And I have no idea on the heart, but it could be plausible I guess. So OK I just paused and googled it and he might be on to something on the heart thing... : )
I agree with all of Kay's comments. However, my MIL has heard from a cardiologist that the last one is true.
P.S. And ya'll are so funny!
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