Sunday, June 07, 2015

Happy Birthday, Anderson!

Dear Anderson,

Happy 4th Birthday to our Anderman! It doesn't even seem possible that it has been a whole four years since you joined our family. Time really does fly when you are having fun! At four years old, you are an absolute joy! You make me laugh every day, and you make life so much more fun. You may not be large in size, but you have a spirit that is larger than life!

You have been out of speech therapy for a year now, and you are doing fantastic with your speech. You regularly string sentences together that are 10 words or longer, and you love having conversations with us now. We are so proud of you!

At four, your favorite things in the world are superheros, and you love to run around the house in your underwear and a towel as a cape pretending to save the world. We love it! You want to do everything that your Daddy and Jackson do, and I'm pretty certain in your eyes they are superheros too!

You have come into your own amazing little personality lately, and you know exactly when to smirk at us, roll your eyes, and charge at your 'Bubba' like a little bull! You, Anderson, are one funny little man! You love to snuggle and cuddle, and at the same time you are 100% fearless boy! I have a precious stinker and sweetheart rolled up into one!

For over a year now, one of the first things you say when we pick you up from school is, "I missed you all day!" Well Anderson, I miss you all day too, and I'm so lucky that of all the babies in the world, that God picked me to be your Mama. Happy 4th Birthday, Anderson. I love you to the moon and back!


1 random thoughts:

Pam said...

Aww, he is growing up so fast. It's hard to believe it!

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