Monday, June 09, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Charles Knight

So the vows have been said, the rings exchanged, tons of food were eaten, and the bride and groom are now on their way to Mexico!! Amy and Adam are officially hitched!!! The entire weekend was wonderful. I went to Amy's lingerie shower (which was hilariously embarassing for the bride) on Thursday night. Friday we ran errands in the morning, and then headed to a wonderful Bridesmaid luncheon, and then Friday afternoon was the rehearsal and dinner. Everything was great!!! We are exhausted today, but it was totally worth it. Amy looked gorgeous, and her and Adam are going to be so happy together. Here are some pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!

The bridal party: Heather, Karen, Brandi, Ashley, Ginger, Me, Anna, Amy, Lori, Lisa, Sunny, and Kris.

Janet, Buddy, Papaw, Amy, Adam, Ben, Jeremy, and Me

The Original Wade Family

This is how Jackson spent the entire wedding. Too funny!!

Me and the other Amy (Now Mrs. Knight)

That pesky little garter, which was conventiently caught by
Adam's future brother-in-law, Patrick.

The bouquet was caught by Adam's sister, Lisa.

Patrick and Lisa have dated forever. I predict another wedding soon!!!
The getaway car

A shot of my hair from the wedding. I will never be able to recreate it again.

Papa and Jackson riding the "Papa Mow"

Jackson laughing at Papa

My Mom and Dad's new puppy, Shadow. They got him yesterday. Isn't he cute!!!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Have a great Monday!!!

3 random thoughts:

Jenna said...

What a cute puppy! And a beautiful bride!

Southern Fried Mom said...

You look gorgeous...congrats to the Amy formerly known as Amy Wade!!!

Anonymous said...

Kayla was sooo mad that we wouldn't let her have one of the puppies. I am glad that all found homes!! 2 dogs and a ferret is enough!

Your hair was gorgeous!!! Beautiful bridal party!!

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