Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nicole's "Magnum" Face

*I want everyone to notice my motto on my blog header, especially the part about "you never know what you might find" because today is one of those days.

I got my haircut yesterday afternoon. It was just a regular cut, and yes, I'm still going gray. I was waiting FOREVER while one of the stylists took her time finishing her ice cream and started flipping through a hair style magazine in the lobby. It showed a picture of Nicole Richie with a cute hairstyle and I noticed that she had a funny smile/smirk on her face, but no teeth were showing in the picture.

*I'm a little weirded out by Nicole Richie because it's like she pretends that she wasn't once a girl who struggled with her weight and was a tad bit chubby, especially compared to Paris Hilton. Now she wants us to think that she's always been skinny and hasn't turned into an anorexic waif.

I'm also weirded out because I know a girl that had/has issues with her weight and the before and after pictures of her remind me a lot of Nicole's transformation. It's like, now you see her, now you don't.

Anyways that's not the point of this pointless post...

While I was waiting I kept flipping through the magazine and they showed another picture many pages in and she had the same expression on her face. Then I found ANOTHER picture of her with the exact.same.expression.

What's up with that?

Does Nicole Richie only have one look like Zoolander?

Does she not have teeth?

Nope. She's got teeth. And a lot of them! (although I had to go to page 4 of google results to find a picture of her smiling)

She just has one red carpet look and here's my proof:
Here it is...

and again....

and again....

and again...

and again and again.....

and she even uses it in mugshots!!

She obviously needs to go on America's Next Top Model and get some lessons from Tyra Banks or at least watch the ANTM marathons on the weekends to get some new ideas on how to make different faces.

Or perhaps just look happy once in awhile.

I'm just saying....

3 random thoughts:

Tina said...

This is so true...the girl has lots to smile about but never does.

Miranda said...

I can sleep better at night now that I know this important information regarding Nicole Richie and her many "faces" (or lack of).

SEE I COMMENTED! Sarcastically, but I did it.

Rachel said...

LOL - that is hilarious!! good collection of pictures - that's really crazy.

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