How Far Along: 26 weeks
Size of baby: 14 inches, the size of an English hothouse cucumber, and weighing just under two pounds.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I went to the doctor last Monday and I was up to 3 pounds gained officially. I kinda overdid it over the weekend, but I think I'm still doing pretty good.
Maternity Clothes: Mostly maternity clothes just because they are more comfortable now.
Gender: We're having another little boy, Anderson Moore Wade.
Movement: He's moving all the time now, especially at night. A few times he has kicked me right in the belly button and taken my breath away because of how painful it has been. Other times (especially in the middle of the night) he seems to think that my bladder is a punching bag. Fun times I tell ya!
Sleep: Its been very rough this week. I fall asleep fine, but around 4:00 in the morning he starts kicking hard and it wakes me up and it's impossible to fall back asleep. When you add that to the fact that I'm up all night pottying, I'm not getting much sleep overall.
Symptoms: Just cold/sinus issues.
Cravings: I gave in to the key lime pie temptation, and it was incredibly good. I'm back to fruit now, mostly strawberries and blackberries.
What I Miss: Nothing much.
Best Moment this week: It's been a pretty normal week. Our next door neighbors gave us their barely used carseat/stroller combo which was so incredibly nice and generous of them. It's in great condition, and we were really excited.
What I am looking forward to: 4D ultrasound in two weeks!
And just because
Lisa asked, I'm including a pregnancy shot. I've literally known Lisa since we were kids, and she is also pregnant with her second child (another girl for her!). We've joked that we should go ahead and set up arranged marriages for both of our kids! So here you go, Lisa. This is just for you!

Please pardon the lack of makeup. It was a long day! Also, from the looks of this picture, my nose has started to get bigger and I didn't even know it. How embarassing is that? Oh the joys of pregnancy!
And today is the last day to enter the
Earth Fare giveaway over at my Cheese Grits and Jesus recipe blog!