Monday, April 02, 2012

Can A Girl Catch A Break?

In the past few months we’ve dealt with so much illness around here:

Ear infections…





Sinus Infections…


And Hand, foot and mouth disease…

As if all that, coupled with Anderson’s 2 hospitalizations wasn’t enough, Jeremy was diagnosed with shingles on Friday and Anderson was diagnosed with strep and pink eye on Sunday.

Let me just say that a strep diagnosis on April Fools Day is just cruel.

Y’all, I’m not going to lie when I say that I’m struggling. I’m tired and just emotionally drained. I feel like our family can’t catch a break, and as a Mom I’m just worn out. It seems as though it is just one thing after another right now now with no end in sight. And yes, I’m completely aware that it could always be worse. I’ve been reminded of that plenty of times lately, but frankly, having yet another person point that out in the midst of yet another illness doesn’t much help me.

So I’m going to take a couple of day off. I’ll catch up with y’all soon, and I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Much love….

4 random thoughts:

Esther said...

I'm praying for you sweetie.

Nana said...

Anderson is such an angel. He is napping -- such sweetness.

Pam said...

I so know the feeling. I have been where you are. And it's. no. fun. Hang in there, sweet girl. : )

Rachel said...

Oh I feel your pain!! When everything happens at once it's the worst. I'll be praying for y'all!

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