Monday, April 23, 2012

Obviously We’re Not Dealing With Childhood Obesity Around Here…

Jeremy gave the boys a bath on Saturday night when I was thisclose to dying from a headache. Jeremy got the boys outfits and then handled the entire bath, and got them dressed. I was laying on the couch when they got done and Jeremy and Jackson started wrestling in the living room. I kept thinking that something looked funny about what Jackson was wearing but I couldn’t quite figure it out.

I blame that on migraine medicine.

Anyways, I kept watching Jackson when it hit me. See the boys outfits here from a few days ago…


Exact same shirts and shorts, but different sizes, Anderson’s is size 12 month and Jackson’s is 5T.

Except for last night. My 5 1/2 year old, soon to be 6 in August, was wearing his 10 month old brother’s shorts, size 12 months. Other than the Daisy Duke quality of the length, they fit him just fine. Jackson couldn’t believe that he was wearing Anderson’s shorts, and I couldn’t believe that they fit. I know he’s slim, but sheesh!!! Apparently when Jeremy put the laundry up the other day he mistakenly put A’s shorts into J’s room, and because they fit, neither father nor son even noticed!

Tell Michelle Obama to back off with her food restrictions and give my kid a Happy Meal if he wants it!!

2 random thoughts:

Pam said...

We need to tell Michelle to back off...period. LOL Your boys are cute even if they are wearing the wrong clothes. I think that's funny...and I know J got a kick out of wearing his brother's clothes. So cute.

trishandwade said...

Haha...that's funny. I can't believe Jackson didn't even notice. Recently, my bro-in-law set out shorts for my 4-year old nephew, since it was the first warmish day they'd had in a while. Quinn came running out of his room screaming that his pants were too short! He forgot what it was like to wear shorts :)

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