Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Gloves Are Coming Off. And On. And Off. And On…

Anderson has a new found obsession with gloves. Not mittens, mind you, because that would make life easier around here, but regular five fingered gloves. He found a pair of Jackson’s old gloves and has taken to wearing them around the house non-stop since his discovery. Never mind the fact that he has his own toddler sized gloves, he only want to wear Jackson’s gloves.

This wouldn’t create much of a problem unless you’ve ever tried to put toddler sized fingers into kid sized gloves. He ends up having two fingers crammed into one finger hole, and they NEVER go on correctly. In his two year old mind, the world is coming to a screeching halt when this happens. So he proceeds to rip off the gloves roughly 2.5 seconds after it took us 2 minutes to put them on, and then falls into a big ole heap of tantrum in the floor because the gloves are off.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Finally Jeremy and I both had enough of this cycle. We’ve taken to giving him a warning as we are putting the gloves on…”If you take your gloves off, we aren’t putting them back on.” So when he does take them off, we carry on business as usual.

I guess you could say that Mommy and Daddy are taking their gloves off and washing their hands of the situation. It’s not pretty, but no one said parenting a two year old was easy…

1 random thoughts:

Pam said...

Ah..toddlerhood. I guess I can laugh because it's you and not me, right? :-D Kids are so funny about the things that they get 'stuck' on...and we've dealt with our fair share. lol

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