Sunday, June 07, 2020

Happy Birthday, Anderson

Dear Anderson,

Happy 9th Birthday, Anderson! I absolutely cannot believe that you are already nine years old. How is that even possible? You were just a baby like 2 days ago!

Anderman, you are an absolute joy! You are turning 9 in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, and  you have been a light in the midst of a lot of darkness. Being able to spend so much time with you the past few weeks will be something I will treasure forever! You literally keep me laughing all the time, and you are one of the biggest joys and blessings in my life!

You absolutely rocked your way through second grade, and are super excited about starting third grade in the fall. I've been telling you for months now that there are no birthdays in quarantine, and you just won't fall for it. :) I would honestly keep you 8 years old forever, but sadly you are just insisting on growing up! You currently want to be a marine police officer when you grow up. You love boats and you want to be a police man, so it seems like a dream job for you!

Anderson, you love your family, your friends, your teachers and Jesus. You are incredible, and I'm so proud to be your Mama. Have a great birthday, and remember, "Love you, miss you!"


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