Tuesday, June 30, 2009

And So It Begins...

Last night before Jackson’s bedtime, Jeremy and Jackson were hanging out in the kitchen when all of a sudden Jackson got this panicky, disgusted look on his face and started crying.

Jeremy had seen Jackson’s hands really close to his mouth, so he ran over to him and said, “What did you put in your mouth?”

Jackson said, “A boogie!!!”

We are so proud....

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Hubbie

On Thursday Ethan, Zach and Emma's Mom, asked me to tell y'all about my first date with my husband.

I will do that in a minute, but not before I tell you about what my husband got duped into thinking this weekend.

Jeremy went to go get his haircut on Saturday while Jackson and I were grocery shopping. We go to one of those "no appointment neccesary" kind of places and they have recently hired a male hairstylist who is more than a little sweet on his feet. This guy is the one who cut Jeremy's hair. We meet up a little while later in Walmart and as we are pulling out of the WalMart parking lot when Jeremy turns to me and says, "I asked the guy cutting my hair why it is that one of my sideburns grows in longer than the other.

Me: (looking at him blankly waiting for an obvious punchline, such as, "perhaps they were cut different."

Jeremy: "He stepped back and took a good look at me and told me it's because my right ear hangs lower than my left ear."

Me: (busting out laughing as I begin to sing):

Do your ears hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them o'er your shoulder
Like a Continental Soldier?
Do your ears hang low?

Jeremy: "I'm serious Amy. I looked at myself in the mirror and my ear really does hang lower."

Me: (still laughing) "So you're ears really do hang low, huh?"

Jeremy: "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Me: "What did you say? I couldn't hear you. My ears were hanging too low!!!"

Let the record show that Jeremy's ears are completely normal!

And about our first date.

Did you know that Jeremy and I met on the Internet?

In 1999.

So our first date was the first time we ever met in person.


Our meeting place was at the Galleria in Birmingham, AL because that was the middle ground from where we both lived.

And you know that if you ever meet someone from the Internet, it HAS to be in a public place.

So we met at Parisians, and it was perfect from the first moment.

We walked around for hours.

We talked about so much.

He was such a gentleman.

We ate dinner at Ruby Tuesday's because we're fancy like that.

And after ice cream it was time to head back to our houses.

And before leaving the mall we had already decided to meet again.

And now 10 years later the rest is history!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Look What We've Grown!

Y'all, we've got corn and sunflowers growing now! It's the first time we've planted either of them, but so far, they are doing amazing. My peppers and strawberries are another story; they are doing pathetic! We planted Silver Queen corn seeds, and I'm hoping that once Jackson has seen the corn grow from seed to the full grown ear, that he will once again start eating corn. Right now its on his list of "no way, no how" foods. Keep your fingers crossed!

I have no idea what kind of sunflower seeds we planted, but right now they have grown to about 10 feet tall and are starting to bloom!

Jackson standing for a size comparison!

Jackson enjoying his popsicle!

Our first bloom!

Our corn husk

Jackson again just because he's cute!

Jackson and Daddy
Aren't they so cute together!

Will you please push this popsicle up?

Our little boy is growing like a weed!

Have a great weekend y'all, and I'll see you on Monday!

A Moment of Silence

Let's have a moment of silence for Michael Jackson.

Okay, that's enough.

I know that we are probably witnessing the death of my generation's Elvis Presley, but I'm already a little tired of the "Breaking News" coverage over this. Yes, he died. Yes, I realize that he had an interesting and speculative past. Yes, I realize that he had lots of plastic surgery. And yes, I realize his nose was about to fall off.

And I don't really care.

But for those of you who do, enjoy this video, and then return to watching 24 hour breaking news coverage of Michael Jackson's life story.

(If you want to watch it, just pause the music at the bottom of the page.)

Watch more Pop music videos at EZ-Tracks

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Round 2

Once again it's Thursday, and I've got nothing! I thought it would be fun to do Round 2 of "Ask Amy" and I'll answer everthing tomorrow! Remember, you lurkers need to come out and play, because the more questions, the more fun we all have, and seriously folks, I'm all about the fun!!!

Before I go, I wanted to show you some new pictures of little man. My Mom got Jackson one of the one piece swimsuits that helps him float. It's so stinking cute! He looks like a little scuba diver!

Jackson and me in the pool.

Fussing because I wasn't letting him hang all over me!

Loving his new swimsuit!

(Before you watch the video, hit the pause button on the bottom of my page)

Now hit that "random thoughts" button and leave me some love!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Call

The sign went up yesterday, and we got our first call today! The realtor set up an appointment to show our home on Tuesday. Keep your fingers crossed for us!!

God Can Do All Things

I've told you about Jackson is great at making messes, but not so good about picking them up. Ever since this weekend, when it comes time to clean up he starts begging "You please come help me clean up."

Whenever I tell him that since he made the mess, he needs to clean it up, he responds with, "But I didn't make this big mess."

When asked who made the mess, without missing a beat, he says, "God did."

I'm guessing God has been super busy around our house when Jackson is home...

And Jackson has figured out that if he prolongs nighttime prayer time, he can stay up a few minutes later. Lately his prayers have sounded like this:

Dear Lord. I thank you for my friends. My teachers, Mrs. Taco (Tucker) and Ms. Samantha. For my girlfriends, Gracie and Colleen. And my buddy David. And Lord I thank you for (* insert pause long enough for him to peek under the bed) the carpet and my blankets and Mommy's shoes and for my bikes and the grass (*insert one of us telling him to keep praying) and Lord I thank you for my toys and my trucks and my family and my dog Macy. She's a soft dog. Amen!!!!

Sigh. I love this kid....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

For Sale

We just put our house on the market and I'm so nervous about it that I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I'm mostly nervous about the thought of strangers walking through my home critiquing every little thing.

And having to keep my house clean all the time.

And keeping Macy outside in this blazing heat.

And having to buy a new house.

Just so you know...

Jon + 8, Kate + 8

As much as I hated myself for doing it, I tuned in to Jon and Kate's big announcement and after the show was over I was disappointed, but not at all surprised.

Who didn't see a divorce announcement coming?

I hate it for the Gosselin family, but I was kinda mad about the whole thing.

It felt so scripted. Here was an episode supposedly filmed weeks (perhaps months) ago, and then they go and insert a little statement into the middle of their interviews that said they were filing for a divorce. Yesterday. The same day their "big announcement" has been teased for a week now.

Don't even get me started on how demure and innocent Kate tried to appear during her couch sessions last night. I told Jeremy that it was completely obvious that Kate was trying to appear so sweet and innocent, but anyone who has watched the show knows that Kate is like a vulture. I know she is probably heartbroken over this, but Kate hasn't paid attention to how much Jon has struggled with his new found fame for 5 seasons now. It was clear that Kate loved the lime light, and Jon was over having paparazzi chasing him everywhere.

And it seems that Jon finally just had enough of Kate running over him.

I do wish the family the best, and I hope the kids adjust well to their new situation. Who knows how life would have played out for them had they never gotten involved in a reality show. They might have gone down this same road, but I really don't think so.

I think the show changed both of them, and now it's going to change their family forever.

So long Jon and Kate....it's been nice knowing y'all, but I think I'm done with the show now.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Quite Possibly the Worst Line of an Infomercial...EVER!!!

Pause the music at the bottom of the screen and then watch this video until about 35 seconds in and you will see what I'm talking about. Then come back to me.

Did you just gag a little like I did when I saw the commercial last night? Who writes this stuff? Seriously, I know these days are rough, but I will NOT be drinking something I just mopped off the floor!

Not even if it only costs $20 for 2, yes I said 2, Smart Mops!

Super Mommy's Best of Intentions Take a Fall for the Worst

Since Jackson was a baby we saved our Pampers Gifts to Grow points whenever we would buy diapers. We had redeemed a few points, and now that he isn't wearing diapers anymore I was afraid that the other 200+ points we had were going to go to waste.

Then I saw that Pampers had posted new rewards online and I redeemed some of his points for a $20 Build-A-Bear gift card because I'm such a nice Mom like that.

I could have gotten a $25 Applebee's gift card and I'm kicking myself for not getting it now.

We got the gift card in the mail a week ago and I decided that Saturday morning Jackson and I would head over to the mall and have a nice Super Mommy/Son bonding experience and go make an animal together.

We were both very excited and headed off the mall after getting our grocery shopping done early in the morning.

We had a little talk before walking in about how he needed to be on his best behavior while we were out.

The talk was quickly forgotten.

Jackson was like heck on wheels running through Build-A-Bear. It's hard to keep up with a preschooler who's acting slightly possessed wild in public when you are by yourself and are trying to create a stupid birth certificate for an animal that you know just "brought to life", knowing full well that the birth certificate is going in the trash as soon as you get home.

Wanna see who we brought home with us?

His name is "Colby the Koala Bear"

Because every tiger secretly desires to be a koala bear.

Moving on....

After we got done making Colby the koala bear tiger, Jackson spotted the Chick-Fil-A in the food court, and even though it was now only 10:20 in the morning, he decided he was ready for lunch, and for the love if it would help him behave, then I was all for it.

So we ordered lunch.

And we ate.

And he was good.

And then once again I made a bad decision on this ever-so-fateful morning.

I decided to swap his toy for an ice cream at 10:30 in the morning.

Had I not done that, we would have been long gone before it happened.

Jackson was eating his ice cream, and behaving, and as he finished up the last bite, he was sort of leaning on the table with his weight on his hands when his right hand slipped off the edge of the table.

And Super Mommy saw it happening in slooooowwwww moooottttiiiiiiioooooooonnnnn.

Jackson fell off his chair and slammed his right cheek into the incredibly hard tile floor of the food court.

Let the screaming begin!!!

I quickly scooped him up and after checking him over and calming him down, he seemed fine and he wanted to go see the ice skaters again.

I'm thinking everything is okay and Super Mommy has redeemed the day, we decide to head home.

I happen to call Kellyn on the way home and since she is an OT which is kinda like a Dr, I told her the story and she said just to make sure that he doesn't start acting sleepy or weird. I said I would keep an eye on him and we hang up.

Then I turn around (while driving) and see that Jackson is OUT like a light in his car seat and no amount of hollering would wake him up.

I immediately called the pediatrician and left a message, called Kellyn back and then called Jeremy. I got the word from the nurse on call to take Jackson to the ER to get him checked out since I still can't get him to wake up.

And I'm still driving...

So I get to the ER and Kellyn is waiting on us and as soon as she unbuckles him from his car seat he wakes up and proceeds to talk to Kellyn like nothing was ever wrong.

Now I'm questioning whether I've jumped the gun on this ER visit, but since the nurse told me to take him there, I'm going to get him checked out.

Then I start hoping that the nurses and doctors believe what happened and don't start assuming that I'm making it up.

I think I've watched too many Lifetime movies.

Jeremy got there after a few minutes and after seeing Jackson in action, he immediately asks, "Are you sure he needed to come to the ER?"


After checking him out, the Dr. said that I did the right thing by bringing him in (I asked him if I could get that in writing!) and then he ordered a CT Scan to make sure Jackson's head was okay, which little man was not fond of, but he did great.

Diagnosis: He was fine. We had to watch him for signs of concussion, and that was it.

We were in and out of the ER in an hour.

Is it ironic that using a free $20 gift card to Build-A-Bear turned into handing over a $250 Emergency Room copay?

Go figure....

We should have just gotten the Applebee's gift card.

Friday, June 19, 2009

You Asked For It!

Hey y’all. Thanks for the questions yesterday. Now I’m going to get down to business answering them…

Candy asked: How do you keep a clean house being a mommy and working full-time? Any tips appreciated. : )

My husband responded with a comment of his own which is rare for him. He said, “That's an easy answer. Her husband. Just kidding Amy.”


In all seriousness, I’m extremely blessed with a husband who does his fair share and mine of housework.

I do work full-time outside the home and it is very hard to keep a clean house, work, do things for church, have some down time, and raise a preschooler at the same time. And Jackson is VERY GOOD at making messes and NOT AT ALL GOOD at cleaning them up. So I’ve devised a new method, and thus far, it’s working very well.

I’ve taken a page out of my Mom’s book.

Any toy I pick up off the floor during cleaning time goes in a trash bag.

Before you gasp in horror at my meanness, I wouldn’t actually throw his toys away; I’m just not going to let him know that. And no, not a single toy has made it into a bag.

And so far, it’s working like a charm.

And no, my Mom didn’t actually throw our stuff away either and it worked like a charm for her too!

And I echo my Mom's comment about not opening closets if you coming over to visit. Just kidding. Not Really.

My biggest problem with housework is that I don’t mind doing only half of it. For instance, I don’t mind washing, drying and even folding clothes, but I loathe putting them away.

I don’t mind unloading the dishwasher, but I am disgusted by loading it. It's so icky and you never know what gross substance you might get on your hands.

I don’t mind cooking, except for touching raw chicken, and even enjoy it sometimes, but I can’t stand cleaning up my mess, especially when it involves raw chicken.

So that’s where Jeremy comes in. So basically, to answer your question, to keep a clean house, get a “Jeremy.”

Michelle asked, “How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll in the Tootsie Pop?

I have to give Michelle props on asking a question that made me LOL.

Now Michelle you would probably believe me when I said I tried this when I was a kid. I gave up around 500 licks because I was tired of counting. That and I always just end up biting tootsie pops to get to the center. So to answer this question I did some research and found that it according to tootsie.com it “depends on a variety of factors such as the size of your mouth, the amount of saliva, etc. Basically, the world may never know.”

Especially if you cheat like I do…

Anonymous asked, “When are you going to give Jackson a sibling?”

I’m thinking this may be a sly family member or close friend that asked this question. Sneaky. Sneaky.

My answer is going to be purposely vague with, “it’s in the plans (hopefully God's too!)” and that I know in my perfect world I want to be done having children by the time that I’m 30 and that is going to be in September 2010. Is that a good enough answer?

The Silva's have a friend going through some fertility issues and after I popped over to her site and left a comment, she commented over here that she wants to get her friend something, and did I have any suggestions?

As someone who did briefly struggle with fertility issues, I know the frustration and disappointment it offers. May I suggest this, this, this, or this for your friend. Each offers a little bit of encouragement and support without being too pushy or intrusive about their situation.

Alicia W asked, “What do you do for a living?”

Without giving the exact place of employment because I’m not into giving too much “real life” specifics, I work as a “Ministry Assistant” for a large religious organization (not a church) in the South. Our office deals with churches in conflict and church administration. I like my job, and in this economy I am forever grateful that I have such a wonderful working environment, but I really want to begin working on writing a book. I have a few ideas for children’s books (and novels) that I think would be great, so if any publisher’s are out there reading, email me at auflag@yahoo.com and we can get together! It’s all about self-promotion right?

Hi Jenny! It’s okay that you didn’t leave me a question, I’m just glad you dropped by. And yes, you really should comment more!

Ethan, Zach, and Emma’s Mom asked, “Beer or wine? Or Soda?”

You mean, “Coke” right? Remember, everything in the south is ‘Coke” and then when they ask, "What kind?" you give specifics like, “Sprite” or “Dr. Pepper” or “Coke.”

Let the record show that I always choose Coke.

To answer your question, I don’t drink alcohol. It’s not that I haven’t tried it, because I have, and it’s not that I’m judgemental or offended when other’s drink because I’m not.

I had 1 beer and 1 wine cooler in college and thought both were disgusting. I know, such a lush right? Then when we went on our cruise to Mexico I had one of the fruity drink specials when the ship was leaving port, and on one of our excursions I had more than a few cups of what I thought was just punch. It turned out it was rum punch and I was slightly tipsy for the duration of the day.

It turns out that I don’t handle alcohol so well.

That and I simply don’t like the way it tastes!

But I’ve never been drunk. I promise Mom!

Great questions y’all, and if you have more send em’ on!! This is fun!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Got Nothing....

It's going to be 100 degrees here today.

In the middle of June.

It's too hot to think.

So why don't you ask me some questions and I'll answer them tomorrow.

And now would be the perfect time for any lurkers out there to come out of hiding and introduce themselves.

Now click that "random thoughts" button and give me something to ponder other than the blazing heat outside.

Love ya!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nicole's "Magnum" Face

*I want everyone to notice my motto on my blog header, especially the part about "you never know what you might find" because today is one of those days.

I got my haircut yesterday afternoon. It was just a regular cut, and yes, I'm still going gray. I was waiting FOREVER while one of the stylists took her time finishing her ice cream and started flipping through a hair style magazine in the lobby. It showed a picture of Nicole Richie with a cute hairstyle and I noticed that she had a funny smile/smirk on her face, but no teeth were showing in the picture.

*I'm a little weirded out by Nicole Richie because it's like she pretends that she wasn't once a girl who struggled with her weight and was a tad bit chubby, especially compared to Paris Hilton. Now she wants us to think that she's always been skinny and hasn't turned into an anorexic waif.

I'm also weirded out because I know a girl that had/has issues with her weight and the before and after pictures of her remind me a lot of Nicole's transformation. It's like, now you see her, now you don't.

Anyways that's not the point of this pointless post...

While I was waiting I kept flipping through the magazine and they showed another picture many pages in and she had the same expression on her face. Then I found ANOTHER picture of her with the exact.same.expression.

What's up with that?

Does Nicole Richie only have one look like Zoolander?

Does she not have teeth?

Nope. She's got teeth. And a lot of them! (although I had to go to page 4 of google results to find a picture of her smiling)

She just has one red carpet look and here's my proof:
Here it is...

and again....

and again....

and again...

and again and again.....

and she even uses it in mugshots!!

She obviously needs to go on America's Next Top Model and get some lessons from Tyra Banks or at least watch the ANTM marathons on the weekends to get some new ideas on how to make different faces.

Or perhaps just look happy once in awhile.

I'm just saying....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

To Dye or Not to Dye

To dye, or not to dye, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer through the graying process with hairs that stick out of place, or to take drastic measures to arm myself with a box of Loreal against a sea of gray hairs, and by opposing, end them.

In case you haven't figured it out yet by my quote, I'm finding gray hairs. Lots of them. I have shoulder length, medium brown hair, and some of the gray hairs I'm finding are the full length of my hair, which means one of two things: Either I don't pay too much attention to my roots, or these grays grow at twice the rate of the brown hairs.

I'm thinking they are like mutant hairs that appear overnight.

For the most part the grays are focusing their attack on the front and top part of my hair around my part, and then tend to grow long. At least they are growing evenly on both sides of my part, because with my OCD issues about symmetry I couldn't handle lopsided graying.

At this time I don't think they have appeared on the back on my head, but I haven't really been able to check closely. Perhaps someone should come inspect the back of my head for me.

I knew this day was coming. It's been approaching for awhile, because hello, have you seen my parents? My Mom and Dad have had salt and pepper hair for as long as I can remember (except in photos), and so I didn't have much choice in the genetic roll of the dice than to eventually end up with a head full of salt and pepper hair.

Ahem. For the record, their hair is now more salt than pepper. Love you Mom!

And my Mom totally rocks her hair. Women compliment her all the time on her hair, and she has total strangers ask her how she gets her coloring to look so good.

I know people my age (mid to late 20's) that have chosen the route of not dying their hair and they look great, but I'm not sure I'm ready to start give in to graying before I turn 30. I'm going to go ahead and confess that in this phase of my life I have taken to just pulling out the offending hairs as I spot them, but at the rate I'm going, I'm afraid I'm going to snatch myself bald headed before I see my 30th birthday.

I dyed my hair once in college. Red. And I can promise you that I would never go that route again. I had to dye my hair back brown when I was over my stupidity to get my roots to look normal again.

So here's my question: Do I just begin accepting the gray hairs as a necessary and normal part of getting older, or do I start to dye my hair knowing that it can be an expensive and time consuming process? If anything I'm thinking of just maintaining the brown to cover up the gray.

I'm totally open to opinions and advice on either side of the fence because y'all, I'm not so sure I can fully handle either option, and I definitely don't want to be bald before 30!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Georgia Aquarium

So we did it! After a week of VBS, and cleaning up our room, we were out of the house the next morning at 5:40 to head to GA to visit the aquarium. It was a fun outing, and perfect for a day trip. Jackson really loved it, and he told us on the way home (without prompting), "I had a good time Mommy and Daddy." He especially loved the scuba divers and seeing Dori in person. If I had to do it over again (and I'm sure we will eventually) I would do a few things differently.

1. Next time we would go on a weekday and not a weekend, especially in the summer when it is hot as Hades outside and everyone is trying to do something fun indoors in the South where it was humid as all get out. There were about eleventy thousand people there, and trying to navigate an umbrella stroller through the crowds was especially fun.

2. Next time we would skip the 4D movie especially considering that Jackson lost it when it when the fish jumped on the screen and we got sprayed with water. Not so good for a first movie theater experience for a 2 1/2 year old!

3. I would perhaps decide to print return directions to help us get out of Atlanta!

Enjoy the pictures!

I loved the jellyfish!

The exhibits were amazing! So simple and yet so pretty!

The other side of the tunnel exhibit

Jackson was very quick to spot "Dori" from Nemo. He loved her!

Um, Jackson sweetie, the fish are the other way!

What is he looking at?

Oh, the scuba diver who was so kind to wave at our very excited child! Jackson loved the scuba divers so much that we couldn't leave the gift shop before we bought this scuba diver tub toy! He will tell you his favorite thing at the aquarium were the scuba divers!

Isn't he a cutie!

A sawfish swimming over us in the tunnel. There was so much to see that you almost didn't know where to look!

Jeremy and Jackson
Jackson and I

The sharks were cool, and Jackson liked them once he figured out that he didn't have to touch them!

Jeremy's favorite things were the Beluga whales. They were having such a good time!

Jackson checking out the otter exhibit

Captain Jack

In the kiddie play area and he was in heaven! Forget the fish, there's a playground in here!

If you haven't had the chance to visit, we would recommend heading to the Georgia Aquarium. It was lots of fun, and who knows, we may have a future scuba diver on our hands because of this trip!

My Little Star

(Pause the music at the bottom of the page before starting the video)

He really did steal the show didn't he!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

What Were We Thinking?

Remember when the two parental units of Wade's World up and lost their minds and decided to book a trip to go see the Georgia Aquarium after a week of VBS?

I know...we're insane!

We are leaving our house tomorrow morning at the unholy hour crack of dawn otherwise known as 5:30 in the morning and heading to Atlanta. Any guesses on how many potty stops we'll have to make? I'm betting 3.

Anyways, I promise lots of pictures and hopefully lots of stories.

And y'all, Jackson is totally rocking it with VBS this year. Last night on our way home we asked Jackson what he did. He said,"I learned about Jesus and his friend Peter tonight."

*Sigh.* VBS really is all worth it!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What Year is This?

I just talked to a woman on the phone that based on her voice I would venture a guess that she is in her late 40's, early 50's. When I asked her to tell me her email address so I could send her some links by email she said, "I don't have email."

Y'all, I had to pick my chin up off the floor.

How, in the middle of 2009, does someone in that age range not have an email address?

And this has nothing to do with anything, but I was driving the other day and spotted a car with the license plate DMBLOND.

If you are going to go to the trouble and expense of having a vanity tag, why not just choose something like "IDIOT" or "HOOCHIE" or "WMNDRVR" or something equally eye catching.

Just a thought....

Clearly, based on this post, 3 days of VBS is killing my brain cells.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We've Gone All Crazy

I think we've lost our minds. We went and bought tickets to visit the Georgia Aquarium this weekend, the morning after our VBS ends. We're crazy! Even after this exhausting week, I just couldn't resist taking a short day trip as a family. Jeremy, Jackson and I will probably wake up bright and early and thanks to the DVD player in the car, I plan on Jackson and I taking a nap on the way, and unfortunately for Jeremy, he has to keep driving, that is until he gets tired, then we will switch until we get on the outskirts of Atlanta at which point I will gladly hand over the reins because y'all, I don't drive in Atlanta.

And after buying our tickets, I read in the Georgia Aquarium FAQ's that absolultey no fishing poles are permitted inside Georgia Aquarium.

Jeremy and Jackson will be so disappointed.

Has someone tried this? Only in Georgia (or the entire South Eastern United States for that matter) would you have to include this in the standing rules of an aquarium.

Anyways, here is a new video of Jackson in action, and I can guarantee this video shows him as you've never seen him before. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

All Aboard the Boomerang Express!

So here are the pictures of Kellyn and my 3rd and 4th grade VBS room. It took just about forever, but we are really pleased with the results. Enjoy!

Our kangaroos and boab tree

Olga's Rock and our train

"Admit, Believe, and Confess" pond complete with a crocodile, frogs, and lily pads.

Our koala in a tree

Upclose of the pond

The hard boab tree

The locomotive

Passenger car


Olga's Rock (which you may remember that I didn't think was quite big enough)

Jumping Kangaroo

Kangaroo and her joey

Another boab tree

Add Image
And these are pictures of my Mom's room (aka the Queen of the VBS Cartel). Her room is based on the theme of a Sheep Ranch and looks amazing!

Jackson posing on the wooden porch of the ranch house which is so big it had to be built inside their room.

Her sheep


Wild horses and Bible themes for the week

The full porch

If you "Wallabee" a Christian wall (and I love what the sheep is saying)

Mom's boab tree and koala

I know we're crazy, but we love VBS so much that as soon as the 2010 theme is announced, I'm sure we'll start floating ideas around our heads, cause we're just suckers like that! I hope ya'll have a great day!
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